Video Clip Siswa Kelas XI PIA 2 TP 2019-2020 (Heron Group)


  1. Rizky fathimah Azzahrah XI.IPA1

    Vidionya bagus,sedikit lucu dengan para pemain/pemeranya..

  2. This video tells the story of someone who lost his way who could not cry and was forced to pretend to smile and laugh every day of his life. And because of Someone's mistake (someone else) He would not make such a mistake and because of that person too he found it hard to believe not only to him but also to everyone around him.
    The video is amazing.

  3. The song of because of you has a very deep meaning, which tells the story of a child who must bear a heavy burden because since childhood he has seen the destruction of his family. The cast in the video clip can also convey the message of the song because of you so that viewers can also feel the message to be conveyed in the song.

  4. This video and song depicts children who feel the sadness of parental divorce, where they do not want to repeat the mistakes of their parents. the cast in this video is very pervasive and deepens the song.
    Putri rahmadani hasmar XI pia 1

  5. Sedikit saran untuk menambah kan sedikit efek lagi agar videonya lebih menyatu dengan lagunya dan mungkin untuk akting masih harus di tambah lagi.

    #Rahardi Dwijaya
    #XI PIA 1

    1. A little suggestion to add a little effect so that the video is more integrated with the song and maybe for acting it still needs to be added again.

      Name : Rahardi Dwijaya
      Class : XI PIA 1


  6. What is the purpose of the fidio?

    Class : IX IPA 2

    from my observations, I see that the story of this video clip matches the backsound in the video that is "because of you". but I am still confused about the purpose of this video. The deepening of the character of each actor also needs to be improved. I like the filter provided (black, white) because the color of the filter shows how sad people are in the video. Supporting expressions are also very important in making videos like this. However, I really appreciate those who have tried to make this video clip.

  8. Name: Hikmayanti
    Class: XI IPA 1

    Seeing the video I can give a little comment.
    that in my opinion the acting of one of the players is not yet animating where he is acting sad but not in accordance with the expression on my face because I see one of them still smiling and I focus there
    Well maybe because I'm not used to it

    and I hope that video doesn't just focus on one filter well, look for another filter so it can be even better

    enthusiasm for work

  9. This Video Is Only About Telling A Story About Someone Who Pretends Or Forces To Be Sad. But This Someone Just Wants To Smile But He Is Just Immersed And Holding Down His Smile. But This Video Is Extraordinary And Cool.
    Class:XI IPA 1

    Class: XI Science 1

    This song tells about the fall of someone we can take as a lesson so that we do not fall into the same mistakes and suffer the same suffering. However, my assessment of this video clip, some of the actors in this video clip did not really explore the meaning of the song. But, even so I appreciate the efforts of the actors of the video clip.

    Class: XI Science 1

    This song tells about the fall of someone we can take as a lesson so that we do not fall into the same mistakes and suffer the same suffering. However, my assessment of this video clip, some of the actors in this video clip did not really explore the meaning of the song. But, even so I appreciate the efforts of the actors of the video clip.

    Class : XI IPA 1

    in my opinion the use of backsound "because of you" and also the use of color in the video is right and also cool. feeling of deepening their character is still lacking, but they are very confident, I like it.

    Thank you

  13. This video tells the story of a child who has to carry such a heavy burden in his life because from childhood he saw his family destroyed and where a child was plummeted by sadness so profound because of a condition that made him cry without a sound

    Xl ipa 1

  14. there is a funny thing there is also sadness, the drama is sad but the players are funny "

  15. there is a funny thing there is also sadness, the drama is sad but the players are funny "

    CLASS: Xl IPA 1

    This video tells the story of how someone made a mistake and deeply regrets the situation that has happened but to tell someone even it can't, because they also have different problems

  17. Video ini menceritakan tentang seseorang yg ingin keluar rumah namun keadaan dunia sedang dalam keadaan tidak baik

    Class: XI PIA 2

    I don't think the video is interesting to watch. Because of the video that does not use effects or colors. And according to me, give color so that the video looks beautiful to look at. And the song doesn't match the video. And in my opinion should give a song that matches the scene as from a sad scene should be given a sad song and vice versa. And people who are satisfied in the video think that the acting is not good enough and they still want to be improved

  19. Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1
    The film is very good, funny, creative and very motivated for those of us who want to learn acting.

  20. the video is pretty good if the acting can be improved and the song can be a little musical

    name: Asrianti
    class: XI PIA 3

  21. This video tells the story of someone who is feeling sad about life's journey, but they pretend to cover up their sadness by still looking fine without any problems. This video is filtered in black and white. Because black and white represent the realities of life that are contradictory and unpredictable.

    Name : Marwa
    Class : XI IPA 2

  22. This video tells the story of someone who is feeling sad about life's journey, but they pretend to cover up their sadness by still looking fine without any problems. This video is filtered in black and white. Because black and white represent the realities of life that are contradictory and unpredictable.

    Name : Marwa
    Class : XI IPA 2

  23. there is a funny thing there is also sadness, the drama is sad but the players are funny "

    Name:Riska Anisa
    Class:XI PIB

  24. The song that accompanies the video is in accordance with the atmosphere that has been experienced by them even though there is still something lacking I see there is still one of those who have not lived it like still holding smile to be serious

    Nama: Indriani Safitri
    Class : XI Ipa 4


  25. funny, but there is also sadness that the players feel is good

    Name:Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class :Xl ipa 2


  26. funny, but there is also sadness that the players feel is good

    Name:Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class :Xl ipa 2

  27. ilmmaking is quite good and the characters are very fitting in the cast, this film tells a disappointment, which contains sadness. backsound that is quite interesting so that it can match the scenes in the film.

    Name : Arya Saputra
    Class : XI IPA 4

  28. This video tells the story of someone who is feeling sad about life's journey, but they pretend to cover up their sadness by still looking fine without any problems. This video is filtered in black and white. Because black and white represent the realities of life that are contradictory and unpredictable.

    Name : Marwa
    Class : XI IPA 2

    1. the video is pretty good, but there are some inappropriate placement of lyrics with the video. Furthermore, there are some characters in the video that are too excessive.

      Name = Muh. syahban Nur
      Class = XI FIB

  29. the video is pretty good, but there are some inappropriate placement of lyrics with the video. Furthermore, there are some characters in the video that are too excessive.

    Name = Muh. syahban Nur
    Class = XI FIB

  30. a film that is very sad and contains the meaning of failure, this film can be very good if it is cast on the players in it using English to match the song that follows it, this film has the meaning that every struggle there must be a failure.

    Class: XI.IPA.4

  31. In my opinion, this video tells about the reflection of a child who talked about his parents' divorce since childhood. My comments on the video, even though the video clip is not very clear, but I still work on them. The video is good

    Name: Irdawati
    Class: XI Science 1

  32. Assalamualaikum
    Name : Nur magfirah
    Class : XI ipa 1
    in my opinion a good, creative and funny video, because these people want to leave the house but are hindered by the message because of corona, but in my opinion the video is already very good but must be improved the way of editing it, the spirit of the seniors

  33. the video is very good because it contains the element of cuteness in it I suggest the video is made interesting again

  34. the video is very good because it contains the element of cuteness in it I suggest the video is made interesting again come om boys
    #My Name Is Muhammad Indra
    #Kelas XI Pia 4

  35. This video is very interesting, but there are a few suggestions to improve the song to make it even more interesting
    *Name: Mutmainna
    *Class:XI ipa4

  36. In my opinion, this video tells about the reflection of a child who talked about his parents' divorce since childhood. My comment about the video, although the video clip is not very clear, but the video is good.

    My Name Is ; Muhammad Arfah
    Class ; XI IPA 4

  37. I see DiVideo This Is Very Extraordinary Where Contains Usur Very Good Cuteness Improve children easily

    My Name Is: Nur Ashima
    Class : XI PIA 4


  38. My name is :Sri Annisa Kadir
    Class :XI IPA 4


  39. My name is :Sri Annisa Kadir
    Class :XI IPA 4


  40. My name is :Sri Annisa Kadir
    Class :XI IPA 4

  41. Nama : Selviana
    Class : XI PIA 1

    my comment about the video clip above is very good and can give us a story about a man who is broken hearted and hurt because he saw someone he loved with another man without his knowledge. And with that a broken-hearted and hurt man makes it worse so he gets drunk, and to adjust the story line and song in my opinion is very good.

  42. The cast in this video is very pervasive and deepens the song, hopefully children who feel sad because of the divorce of their parents can be more patient and not repeat the parents' grief.

    My name is : jabal nur
    Clas : Xl IPA 4

  43. My Name ia:Affandi Kabir
    Class:XII PIS 2
    in my opinion a good, creative and funny video, because these people want to leave the house but are hindered by the message because of corona, but in my opinion the video is already very good but must be improved the way of editing it, the spirit of the seniors

  44. Name : Aswar abdullah
    Class :XII IPA 3

    1). Answer:

    2). Answer:

    3). Answer:

    4). Answer:
    - a fruit that can grow in tropical and subtropical climates such as Melon because it is a large, thick-skinned fruit that can grow in tropical and subtropical climates. The most popular melons include melons, melons and watermelons that are runny and refreshing

    5). Answer :
    -temperate fruit (noun): any fruit that only grows in a cool or cold climate - Many temperate fruits like apples are hard, but most tropical fruits are soft.


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