Video Clip Siswa Kelas XI PIA 2 TP 2019-2020 (Hummingbird Group)


  1. having fun with other people
    very heartless☹

  2. Assalamu alaikum
    Name: nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    I think the acting in this video tells the story of a teenager who sees his girlfriend walking with another man, after seeing his woman leave with another man, a man does something stupid that should not be done, like drinking alcohol because of being betrayed by his girlfriend, a broken love is painful, but doing something positive about how to do someone's betrayal.
    It's a very nice video to motivate today's youth, thank you.

  3. It may need repair where a few scenes are repeated that can bored the audience as well as some of the effects used in the video are inappropriate.

    Name : Rahardi Dwijaya
    Class : XI PIA 1

  4. playing with people's feelings, but sorry too🤦‍♀️he made people hurt, he himself regrets.

  5. My comment about the storyline of the video that tells the story of a guy who is broken hearted and feels hurt because he saw someone he loved with another guy without his knowledge. And that makes it worse so that it takes time to get drunk and to suit the song in my opinion is very good

    Xl ipa 1

  6. Muh.Farid syamsuar who acts as his boyfriend acting is good in this video tells the story of a teenage boy who is heartbroken seeing his girlfriend going out with another man. Therefore, Farid is doing things that are supposed to be done like drinking alcohol . Every day he remembers memories while being with Hasmarawati (Girlfriend). For Muh.Ikhsan (The third person) should not be a destroyer in a person's relationship.
    The others act only as servants but are already good.

    Name:Putri inayah
    Class:XI.PIA 1

    1. Muh.Farid syamsuar who acted as (boyfriend) acting is good in this video tells the story of a teenager who is heartbroken to see his girlfriend going out with other men. Therefore, Farid is doing things that are not worth doing like drinking liquor. Every day he remembers memories while being with Hasmirawati (Girlfriend). For Muh.ikhsan (The third person) should not be a destroyer in a person's relationship.
      The others act only as servants but are already good.

    Class: XI PIA 2

    I think the edits of the video are pretty good. And the theme still wants to be improved. And in my opinion a breakup is broken. Separating with someone who spent time together is definitely not easy. No problem to remember and cry over the good times together a few days after a breakup. And what the cast does in dealing with a breakup is not good to be emulated. Like drinking. And what we do is we release activities such as sleep patterns and healthy eating patterns. And asking for help from friends in order to be able to divert the mind, for a moment is taken to decide breakup.

  8. Bimillah....
    Name : Arya Saputra
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    a film that is quite interesting with the right characters compared to previous films, this film tells a story where someone who regrets himself, the plot and character is pretty good.

  9. Name:Nurmita
    Class :XI pia four

    In this fidio we can take wisdom as God has determined our soul mate. A good man will be met with a good woman and vice versa.
    Allah SWT said, "And don't be close to adultery, because adultery is really dirty and the ugly roads," (Surat Al Isro 32).

    Finally what happened? Allah gives them calculations but they are not aware of it. This we can see from this fidio who dated in the name of love dating for months, maybe even more years they maintain it immediately destroyed, In fact after being left he did bad things (Drinking liquor, Naudzubillah).

  10. Video ini menceritakan tentang percintaan yg bubar gara gara orang ketiga

    Nama. Putra ramadRam
    Kelas.XI PIA2

  11. Video ini menceritakan tentang percintaan yang bubar karena adanya orang ketiga

  12. Name: Hilmy Hafidah
    Class : XI IPA 1

    The video clips are great the actors seem to be serious about their respective roles, from the video we can see that this tells the story of a man who suffered a broken heart because he saw his lover walking with other men, seeing that he felt a deep hurt and finally he chose to drink, be alone while thinking about his memories with his lover and he no longer cared about himself.

  13. Name: Nurul iffah amalia
    class: XI pia 2
    niss: 18.4188

    In my opinion, a film / video must have a strong story line. Although a film / video only tells a simple story in the right way, the film can be better than a film that contains a story that is full of intrigue with too much plot that is not continuous. A good story is a story that is able to connect the film's story and the contents of the message in it with the audience emotionally. This is the main task of a story writer and screenwriter, where they must create a dialogue that is both natural and trustworthy for the characters contained in a story.
    A good film must be able to arouse the emotions of the audience. For example, if we watch comedy movies, we should be able to laugh because of the cuteness in the film scene when we watch it.

    that's all my opinion about the film

  14. Name: Nur Ekasari
    Class :XI IPA 1

    although only music as a voice actor or does not have a dialogue in it, but I can tell that this video clip tells about the relationship of two people who are dating but there has been a misunderstanding between them. the story in this video clip is played by Muh. Farid syamsuar as a boyfriend or as the main character and Hasmirawati as a girlfriend and other friends as supporters. in this video clip tells the behavior of Boyfriend when he found out that girlfriends go out with other men. One of them is like drinking alcohol, and looking at a girlfriend's photo under the rain. basically nothing is useful 😁. when viewed from video editing, the video editing is very good in accordance between the image and the music video clip, but if it matches the meaning of the lyrics of the song with the video clip I don't know because I don't know what song it is. hehe :)

  15. My name is: WINDI KASARI
    class: XI ipa 1


    from the acting that I see is, the story of a male friend and third person here girlfriend who has the role of hasmirawati is a boyfriend, they walk to the mall and suddenly a boyfriend sees hasmirawati (girlfriend) walking with muh ikhsan (third person), and that is where the boyfriend arrived at his house immediately down and think of his memories because he saw a girlfriend going out with the third person, very good😍

    Class : IX IPA 2

    when I watched this video clip, I immediately learned that the story in the video was someone who was broken-hearted because he (male) saw his lover along with another man. I certainly appreciate videos like this (easy to understand). However, the emotional expression of some actors needs to be improved. From the whole video I really enjoyed. It's just that the back of this video doesn't match what the video has to offer, and there are also many edits at the beginning of the video that don't need to be included in the video (only extending the duration of the video).

  17. a film that tells the sadness that makes people very disappointed and regret themselves, this film is very interesting with a cool backsoud and great editing. the arrangement of the language and writing on video editing is very neat and can be understood very well.

    Class : XI.IPA.4

  18. from this video we can learn that, Don't Believe Too Much in Sweet Words, Because He could have said Sweet in front of us even though his behavior behind us actually betrayed, and From here we can learn that the calm waters should not be thought of without land crocodiles..

    My Name is:Karmila
    Class:XI PIA 4

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. ok, what I saw the first time where the edits that are very extraordinary is not easy to edit like that, the second video is there which contains elements of cuteness, confusion, and togetherness.

    My Name Is :Alfrin Nanda Winardy
    Class : XI PIA 4

  21. Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    this film is good. if in this film Having a voice / or accompanied by a conversation in each cast must be very good. the story line tells the love story that broke up because of the third person. In my opinion, Sosweet really, the characters in each cast are extraordinary, and the song lyrics of this film are very good, creative in acting. But in this film all students are very talented.

  22. Name:Samsahrana
    Class:XI IPA 1

    From the Video I Have Seen Tells About A Woman Who Mothers With Another Boy Who Is Affecting This Man From Behind. But A Man Who Is Played From Behind, His Thoughts Are Strange And He Continues To Remember And Imagined His Mind That is where he drinks alcoholic beverages. so someday this girl feels awkward with this man. From this video we can see that the video is very good for teens not to do it. because at the end we get regret.

  23. Name : HIKMAYANTI
    CLASS : XI IPA 1

    in my judgment see this viz
    first at the time of introducing each member why should there be an explanation about the cast takes too much time yet nothing but the introduction has taken approximately 2 minutes
    and first look at the video honestly I did not understand what the purpose of this video but I watched until the end I slowly began to understand that the video tells the story of someone who has a crush on his friend but he already has a girlfriend
    then I judge about liquor maybe if it's looking for something ideas that can come in because just looking at it pretending to drink and there are still many drinks on display that make the audience bored
    and then sit on the edge
    You may be able to sit on the side of a quiet highway like in the movies
    and then about the music
    hmm, in my opinion, it's not in

    that's all
    You can increase it again so that the viewers don't get bored
    happy work

  24. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    Name : Indriani Safitri
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    After I watched the video where a teenager who is more fun dating and also a man who has not been able to forget his ex-girlfriend and ended up drinking illicit drinks and it is all inappropriate for us because we as Muslims should obey the rules of God instead committing an offense, because we as young people should be even more active in learning for the betterment of your nations, and finally the edits of the video are good as well as the players who llve their roles

  25. Poor man but he should reflect instead of doing something like that. come on there are still many girls out there☹

    I am Maulana Dien Islamia
    From XI Ipa 1

  26. Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
    Name : Indriani Safitri
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    After I watched the video where a teenager who is more fun dating and also a man who has not been able to forget his ex-girlfriend and ended up drinking illicit drinks and it is all inappropriate for us because we as Muslims should obey the rules of God instead committing an offense, because we as young people should be even more active in learning for the betterment of your nations, and finally the edits of the video are good as well as the players who llve their roles.

    Class: XI Science 1
    In my opinion, for character assessment, starting from Farid (Hasmira's boyfriend) he is too easily discouraged, until he does something he shouldn't do like drunk. For Hasmira (Farid's girlfriend), as a woman she should be acting a little too expensive so it doesn't look apologetic 🙏 (cheap). And for Muh.Ikhsan (third person) as a man think twice about making a woman who is unfaithful to her partner because she will also do the same to you. (This assessment is only for Clio videos only, I do not know the real life of every player).
    For the suitability of the song with the video clip it is very suitable because the song and the storyline of the video clip are appropriate.

  28. Sri Reski Fitriah Yusna (18.4191)
    XI IPA 2.

    In the video, tells about separation. The boyfriend was devastated when the girlfriend left. But life must go on, loving yourself more is a way to be able to rise from adversity

  29. Sri Reski Fitriah Yusna (18.4191)
    XI IPA 2.

    In the video, tells about separation. The boyfriend was devastated when the girlfriend left. But life must go on, loving yourself more is a way to be able to rise from adversity

  30. I Was Impressed By The Edits Of Classes Where An Extraordinary iTu Is Coupled With Scenes Especially Drunk Because Of Love

    my Name Is : Nur Ashima
    Kelas : XI PIA 4

    CLASS: XI Science 1

    This video tells the story of someone who is broken hearted because he saw someone he loved going out with another man. As a result the man did something stupid with drunkenness. In my opinion the song is in accordance with the plot. The video is good.

  32. respond to me. Don't be sad to be single or single. Because the match is in God's hands. Besides, singles / singles are really fun. I'm free. "

    My Name is ; Muhammad Arfah
    Class ; XI IPA 4

  33. Name: Nurfadia
    Class: XI PIA 1

    This is a very good video to motivate, even though it is only music as a voice actor. But I can understand that the storyline tells of a broken hearted man. Broken heart is painful and annoying. Relationships that end with drama or good talk, still make anyone unhappy. The video clips are very good but there are things that are not good to imitate, namely:
    not that people who are broken hearted to find peace by drinking alcohol because things like that will only make it worse. Better to be brought to things that are positive

  34. Name: Nurfadia
    Class: XI PIA 1

    This is a very good video to motivate, even though it is only music as a voice actor. But I can understand that the storyline tells of a broken hearted man. Broken heart is painful and annoying. Relationships that end with drama or good talk, still make anyone unhappy. The video clips are very good but there are things that are not good to imitate, namely:
    not that people who are broken hearted to find peace by drinking alcohol because things like that will only make it worse. Better to be brought to things that are positive


  35. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class : Xl Ipa 2

    I disagree with this video because there are scenes that show things that are not good and violate religious and social norms.

  36. Name: Fani Novianti N
    CLASS: IPA 1

    In this video, it is explained about the relationship of two people, but there has been a misunderstanding between them, because Muh Farid saw hasmirawati (girlfriend) dating Muh Ikhsan (third person), who is related to her own participation, because of this misunderstanding Muh Farid is determined to drink liquor because it's already hurt

  37. Name : Selviana
    Class : XI PIA 1
    my comment about the video clip above is very good and can give us a story about a man who is broken hearted and hurt because he saw someone he loved with another man without his knowledge. And with that a broken-hearted and hurt man makes it worse so he gets drunk, and to adjust the story line and song in my opinion is very good.

  38. Name: IRMA LUTHFIA
    Nisn: 18.4135
    Class: Eleven exact one

    The storyline of this video is about infidelity.
    Initially the girl "Hasmirawati" dating a guy named "Muh Farid" and suddenly this girl had an affair behind "Muh Farid". Then "Muh Farid" was surprised to see his girlfriend having an affair with his own best friend named "Muh Ikhsan". After that "Muh Farid" was depressed seeing this and finally "Muh Farid" became a drunkard. And "Hasmirawati" understood this and she ended with a word of regret

  39. Name:Nur padila
    Class:eleven pia three

    I was totally confused by the video clip, What's more with the people who quarreled, the same people who stood up.

  40. Name:Nur padila
    Class:eleven pia three

    I was totally confused by the video clip, What's more with the people who quarreled, the same people who stood up.


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