Vegetables Vocabulary

One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

Green vegetables or greens include leaf vegetables like spinach and cabbage as well as certain legumes like peas and string beans. Many vegetables have seeds inside, and the best-known of these include pumpkin, squash, eggplant and the many kinds of pepper like the green pepper, chilli pepper and the bell pepper or capsicum. Salad vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber are eaten raw while other vegetables, including cauliflower, mushrooms and stem vegetables like asparagus and celery, can be eaten either raw or cooked.

bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

greens (noun): green vegetables - Mum says we have to eat our greens before we have dessert.

leaf vegetable (noun): a leaf or leafy plant that's eaten as a vegetable, like spinach - There are hundreds of leaf vegetables in Africa that we've never heard of.

legume (noun): a seed that grows in a pod, like a pea or bean - A healthy diet includes lots of legumes.

raw (adjective): not cooked - Some people think cooking destroys vitamins so they eat lots of raw food.

root vegetable (noun): a vegetable that grows under the ground, like potato and carrot - If root vegetables aren't harvested in time, they can rot in the ground.

salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

vegetable (noun): part of a plant that can be cooked and eaten with a main course - The more fruit and vegetables we eat, the healthier we'll be.

1. What are the names of the 10 vegetables?
2. What is root vegetable?
3. What is bulb?
4. Mention 5 green vegetables?
5. What is Salad vegetable?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

      2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

      3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

      4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

      5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  2. Nama:Husnul khatima


    1.Lettuce = selada
    • Cabbage = kubis, kol
    • Celery = daun seledri
    • Corn = jagung
    • Cauliflower = kembang kol
    • Broccoli = brokoli
    • Spinach = bayam
    • Asparagus = asparagus
    • Eggplant = terong
    • Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
    • Acorn squash = labu biji

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  3. Rahmianti said


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  4. Nama:jabal nur

    1). 1. Potatoes 2. tub 3. carrots 4. globak 5.bit 6. gray 7. eggplant 8. cauliflower 9. mushrooms 10. long beans 2). Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets and tubers such as onions and garlic 3). The bulb is an artificial light source that is produced through channeling electric alus through the filament which then heats up and produces light. 4). Vegetable spinach Swamp cabbage Vegetable mustard Cabbage Vegetables Peas 5). Vegetable salad is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, such as cucumber, salada,

  5. 1. bulbs, green vegetables, leaf vegetables, beans, raw, root vegetables, salad vegetables, vegetables, stem vegetables,
    2. Root vegetables are vegetables that grow in soil that has roots such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets.
    3. bulb is a certain plant that grows underground such as onions and garlic plants, this bulb also includes plants that have many flowers such as tulips and lilies planted from bulbs.
    4. Cucumber, cabbage, peas, spinach, lettuce.
    5.vegetables that can be used as a vegetable salad are lettuce and cucumber eaten raw, while other vegetables, including cauliflower, mushrooms and stalk vegetables such as asparagus and celery, can be eaten either raw or cooked.

  6. Nama: Agnestesya
    Niss : 184233

    1. Mustard, kale, spinach, broccoli, beans, long beans, sweet potato leaves, pumpkin leaves, cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Because of food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI

    3.An incandescent lamp / bulb is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling an electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach. Kale. Broccoli. Mustard. Lettuce

    5.vegetable salad comes with a uniform appearance; pile of green vegetables such as mustard greens or lettuce added a little salad dressing to add flavor.

  7. Name: Nurmita
    Nis. : 18.4254

    the answer:

    1. Lettuce, cabbage, cabbage, celery leaves, corn, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, eggplant, Zucchini vegetables, pumpkin seeds

    2. Root vegetables are alarms that enlarge in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMB. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers like onions

    3. bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    -String bean / green bean

    5. Vegetable salads (noun): vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same section of the supermarket

  8. My Name Is: Alfrin Nanda Winardy

    1)spinach,Cabbage,potato,Carrot,Eggplant,lettuce,zucchini,Crorn, Asparagus,celery, cauliflower.

    2) Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3)Tubers are plant organs that change size and shape as a result of changes in function.

    4)Cabbage, Broccoli,lettuce,Spinach, Brussels Sprouts.

    5)Salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat.

  9. Nama :Syamsinar
    Niss :18.4266

    • Cabbage
    • Celery
    • Corn
    • Cauliflower
    • Broccoli
    • Spinach
    • Asparagus
    • Eggplant
    • Acorn squash

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  10. 1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    2.potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as onions and garlic.

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.lettuce and cucumber

  11. Name is : St haisyah

    1)Lettuce, cabbage,celery,corn,stkring bearbs, patatoes, tub, eggplant, long beans and green pepperumbi- umbi

    2) Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3) An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light. Glass that aligns the filament

    4) Green vegetables:
    1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5) vegetable salad (noun): vegetables that are often used in salads - All salad vegetables are located in the same section of the supermarket.

  12. Nama : Indriani Safitri
    Nis : 18.4238
    class. : XI Ipa 4


    2. Root vegetables such as potatoes,sweet potatoes,carrots, turnips, and beets as well tubers such as onions and garlic

    3. A round underground part of certain plants like Onion and garlic plants lots of Flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. green vegetables or greens included Leaf vegetables like spinach and cabbage as well as certain legumes like Peas and string beans

    5. The salad greens are in the same part of The supermarket.

  13. Nama:irma aprianti
    Niss: 18.4239

    1.potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, garlic, onions, green and red chillies

    2.Root vegetables are enlarged alarms on a plant because the biggest root food storage is called root vegetables, carrots, leeks, onions, turnips, potatoes, fennel

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4.spinach, broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, leeks, green peppers

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  14. 1. Cabbage, long beans, spinach, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers.

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3. bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    4. spinach, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, green peppers.

    5. Vegetable salad (noun): vegetables that are often used in salads - all vegetables in the same section of the supermarket.
    Kirim masukan


  15. Name:Karmila

    1 spinach
    string beans
    green peppers

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    -long beans
    -green paprica

    5..Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section,


  16. Answer
    2.) root vegetable (noun): a vegetable that grows under the ground, like potato and carrot - If root vegetables aren't harvested in time, they can rot in the ground.
    3.) bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.
    4.) salad vegetable (kata benda): sayuran yang sering digunakan dalam salad - Semua sayuran salad berada di bagian yang sama dari supermarket.
    . Spinach
    . Broccooi
    . String bean/green bean
    . Cabbage
    1.) . Acorn squash = labu biji
    . Cauliflower = kembang kol
    . .Lettuce = selada
    .Cabbage = kubis, kol
    .Celery = daun seledri
    .Corn = jagung
    .Broccoli = brokoli
    . Spinach = bayam
    .Asparagus = asparagus
    .Eggplant = terong
    .Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini

  17. Answer

    Acorn squash
    2.Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. ... Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.
    3.Bulb is a technique for taking pictures (in photography) using a very slow speed. It's very slow it's almost impossible if we hold the camera by hand, for that we need a tripod or alias tripod (not eucalyptus oil apalago cap tripod tripod .
    Salad) is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. ... the word lettuce means from the Latin "sal" which means "salt". Salt at that time is an important spice to give flavor to food.


  18. Nama:Sri annisa Kadir

    _Brussels sprouts
    _bell pepper or capsicium

    2.Many vegetables have seeds unside and the best known of these include pumpkin,squash,eggplant and the many kinds of pepper like the green pepper,Chilli pepper and the bell pepper or capsicium

    3.bulb(noun):a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants_lots of flower like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs


    5.Salad vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber are eatch raw whice other vegetables,including cauliflower,mushrooms and stem vegetables like asparages and celery,can be eaten either raw or cooked

  19. 1.lettuce,cabbage,celery leaves,corn, cauliflower,brocolly,spinack,engpalnd,zucchini,vegetables,pumpkin seeds.
    2.root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic
    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.
    4. Green vegetables:
    1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5 .Vegetable salad is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, such as cucumber, salada,

  20. Hasti setiawati

    2.) root vegetable (noun): a vegetable that grows under the ground, like potato and carrot - If root vegetables aren't harvested in time, they can rot in the ground.
    3.) bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.
    5.) salad vegetable (kata benda): sayuran yang sering digunakan dalam salad - Semua sayuran salad berada di bagian yang sama dari supermarket.
    . Spinach
    . Broccooi
    . String bean/green bean
    . Cabbage
    1.) . Acorn squash = labu biji
    . Cauliflower = kembang kol
    . .Lettuce = selada
    .Cabbage = kubis, kol
    .Celery = daun seledri
    .Corn = jagung
    .Broccoli = brokoli
    . Spinach = bayam
    .Asparagus = asparagus
    .Eggplant = terong
    .Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini


  21. Nama:Sri annisa Kadir

    _Brussels sprouts
    _bell pepper or capsicium

    2.Many vegetables have seeds unside and the best known of these include pumpkin,squash,eggplant and the many kinds of pepper like the green pepper,Chilli pepper and the bell pepper or capsicium

    3.bulb(noun):a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants_lots of flower like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs


    5.Salad vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber are eatch raw whice other vegetables,including cauliflower,mushrooms and stem vegetables like asparages and celery,can be eaten either raw or cooked

  22. Nama: Muhammad Arfah
    1.What are the names of the 10 vegetables?
    • spinach
    • cabbage
    • string beans
    • potatoes
    • carrots
    • pumpkin
    • eggplant
    • cauliflower
    • turnips
    • green peppers

    2.What is root vegetable?
    • Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3.What is bulb?
    • bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    4.Mention 5 green vegetables?
    •String bean / green bean

    5.What is Salad vegetable?
    • salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  23. 1.bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant,

    2.Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food.Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.

    3.Layers of tubers contain several tubers which are formed from a collection of leaves which are arranged tightly in a rosette format.

    4.Collard Greens.
    Beet Greens.

    5.salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables or fruit.However, different varieties of salad may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food. 

  24. Nama : Nur Andini Sapitri
    1.Leaf Vegetables, Bulbs, green vegetables, Raw, Beans, Root Vegetables, Salad Vegetables, Stem Vegetables, Vegetables

    2. Rooted Vegetables are vegetables that grow in soil that has roots such as Turnips, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Potatoes and Beets.

    3. bulb is a certain plant that grows underground such as onions and garlic plants, this bulb also includes plants that have many flowers such as tulips and lilies planted from bulbs.

    4. Cucumber, cabbage, peas, spinach, lettuce.

    5.vegetables that can be used as a vegetable salad are lettuce and cucumber eaten raw, while other vegetables, including cauliflower, mushrooms and stalk vegetables such as asparagus and celery, can be eaten either raw or cooked.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.


  26. Nama:Nurfaidah Faira Ma'ring
    1)Lettuce, cabbage,celery,corn,string bearbs, patatoes, tub, eggplant, long beans and green pepperumbi- umbi

    2) Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3) An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light. Glass that aligns the filament

    4) Green vegetables:
    1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5) vegetable salad (noun): vegetables that are often used in salads - All salad vegetables are located in the same section of the supermarket.

  27. Nama :Nurul sakinah
    Niss :18.4255

    1. Lettuce , Cabbage ,Celery , Corn, ,Cauliflower , Broccoli ,Spinach , Asparagus , Eggplant ,Acorn squash

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4.broccoli ,spinach
    ,string bean/green bean,cabbage,lettuce

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  28. Nama: Nasrun

    1.mustard greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, beans, long beans, yam leaves, pumpkin leaves, cauliflower, tomatoes, wartel.

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3.Bulb is one technique for taking pictures (in photography) using a very fast speed. Very slowly it is only possible to hold the camera by hand, for that we need a tripod or alias tripod (not eucalyptus oil cap three legs apalago tripod hat ..

    4.1. spinach

    2. Water spinach

    3. Broccoli

    4. Mustard

    5. Lettuce.

    5.5.Salad vegetables such as lettuce and cucumber are eatch raw whice other vegetables,including cauliflower,mushrooms and stem vegetables like asparages and celery,can be eaten either raw or cooked.

  29. Name : Wahdaniah syahrir
    Nis. : 14336
    Calss : XII PIS 2

    1. Broccoli , brussels sprouts , cabbage , couliflower , spinach , lettuce , eggplant , celery , carrot , pumpkin.

    2. Root vegetables are enlarged alarms on a plant because the biggest root food storage is called root vegetables, carrots, leeks, onions, turnips, potatoes, fennel

    3. bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, leeks, green peppers.

    5. salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  30. Name: Kamelia
    Nis: 18.4316

    1.potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3.An incandescent lamp / bulb is a source of artificial light produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.Vegetable salad and thousand island dressing are the perfect match. This salad is very appropriate to eat during the dinner hour. In addition to making you feel full, this salad is also very healthy, because you can make the sauce yourself at home and not buy it in the package.

  31. Name: Kamelia
    Nis: 18.4316

    1.potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3.An incandescent lamp / bulb is a source of artificial light produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.Vegetable salad and thousand island dressing are the perfect match. This salad is very appropriate to eat during the dinner hour. In addition to making you feel full, this salad is also very healthy, because you can make the sauce yourself at home and not buy it in the package.

  32. Name :Fatur hermadani
    Niss :18.4310

    1.bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant,

    2.Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food.Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.

    3.Layers of tubers contain several tubers which are formed from a collection of leaves which are arranged tightly in a rosette format.

    4.1. spinach

    2. Water spinach

    3. Broccoli

    4. Mustard

    5. Lettuce.

    5.salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables or fruit.However, different varieties of salad may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food.

  33. Name: Nurhidayah
    Niss: 18.4329
    Class: XII IPS 2
    1. Spinach, Lettuce, Carrot, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Celery, Cabbage, Potato, Peas, Asparagus.

    2. Root vegetables are enlarged alarms on a plant because the biggest root food storage is called root vegetables, carrots, leeks, onions, turnips, potatoes, fennel.

    3. Bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    4. Spinach, Cabbage, Broccoli, long beans, Green paprica.

    5. Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section.

  34. NAMA: Risma Amaliyah
    NISS :18-4333

    1. Carrot, Cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green bean, lettuce, mushroom, onion

    2. Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3. An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light. The glass covering the hot filament prevents air from coming into contact with it so that the filament will not be damaged immediately by oxidation.

    4. A. spinach.
    B. Kale.
    C. Broccoli.
    D. Mustard.
    E. Lettuce

    5. Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  35. Name :Fatur hermadani
    Niss :18.4310

    1.bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant,

    2.Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food.Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.

    3.Layers of tubers contain several tubers which are formed from a collection of leaves which are arranged tightly in a rosette format.

    4.1. spinach

    2. Water spinach

    3. Broccoli

    4. Mustard

    5. Lettuce.

    5.salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables or fruit.However, different varieties of salad may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food.

  36. Nama:Ikhwan Ari Setiadi

    1. Celery,Cron,Cabbage, String baerbs,Patatoes,Tubs,Carrots,Spinach,eggplant,bbroccol

    2. One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3. bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4.spinach, broccoli, cabbage, mustard greens, leeks, green peppers

    5.A salad is a food that consists of green vegetables doused with sauce or other seasonings and or added with fruits

  37. 1. asparagus, beet / beetroot, bell pepper, broccoli, Brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber,

    2. Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. ... Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.

    3. Layers bulbs are a type of tuber that is formed from a pile of leaves which are arranged tightly in a rosette format. Layered tubers are considered different from other tubers because they do not accumulate carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides. Enlargement occurs due to the gathering of fluid in the cells.


    5.Like cooking vegetables, salad vegetables are part of another broad and varied category. ... The list of salad vegetables includes broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, endive, escarole, green onions, lettuce, mushrooms, peas, bell peppers, chili peppers, radishes, romaine, spinach and tomatoes.

  38. Nama : Supriadi
    Kelas : XII PIS 2
    Answer ;
    -brussel sprouts
    -sweet potato

    2. a vegetable that grows under the ground, like potato and carrot - If root vegetables aren't harvested in time, they can rot in the ground.

    3. a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string beans
    - green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  39. NAMA: Risma Amaliyah
    NISS :18-4333

    1. carrot, Cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green bean, lettuce, mushroom, onion

    2. Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3. An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light. The glass covering the hot filament prevents air from coming into contact with it so that the filament will not be damaged immediately by oxidation.

    4. 1. spinach.
    2. Kale.
    3. Broccoli.
    4. Mustard.
    5. Lettuce

    5. Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  40. Nama : Nur chalisda

    1. 1.potatoes
    7. garlic
    10.eggplant, pumpkin, green

    2.Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. 1.spinach
    2.Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.Salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients that are ready to eat. Like cucumbers, and sometimes often used for healthy diet foods.

  41. Nama: Ikhsan Maharani Nur
    Niss: 18.4313
    Clas: XII IPS 2

    1)Lettuce, cabbage,celery,corn,string bearbs, patatoes, tub, eggplant, long beans and green pepperumbi- umbi

    2) Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3) An incandescent lamp is an artificial light source that is produced by channeling electric current through a filament which then heats up and produces light. Glass that aligns the filament

    4) Green vegetables:
    1. spinach
    2. Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5) vegetable salad (noun): vegetables that are often used in salads - All salad vegetables are located in the same section of the supermarket.

  42. Name:Fatmawati

    1.spinach,cabbage,string beach,potatoes,carrots,pumpkin,eggpiant,cauliflower,turnips,green peppers.

    2.Root vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes,sweet potatoes,carrots,turnips and beets,and tubers,such as garlic.

    3.Bulb(noun)= a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants-lats of flowers like tulips and daffadils are grown from bulbs.

    4.spinach,cabbage,peas,long beans,green pepers.

    5.salad vegeteble (noun): a vegeteble that's often used in saleds-all the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.


  43. Nur Ashima

    1. Lettuce , Cabbage ,Celery , Corn, ,Cauliflower , Broccoli ,Spinach , Asparagus , Eggplant ,Acorn squash

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4.broccoli ,spinach
    ,string bean/green bean,cabbage,lettuce

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  44. nama: muh sabri sabir

    1. Spinach, Lettuce, Carrot, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Celery, Cabbage, Potato, Peas, Asparagus.

    2.Root vegetables are enlarged alarms on a plant because the biggest root food storage is called root vegetables, carrots, leeks, onions, turnips, potatoes, fennel

    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    -long beans
    -green paprica

    5..Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section,

    1. Name : Muhammad Ayyub Syafaruddin

      1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

      2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

      3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

      4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

      5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  45. Nama:Safrhy
    Kls:XII ips 3


    1.) . Acorn squash = labu biji
    . Cauliflower = kembang kol
    . .Lettuce = selada
    .Cabbage = kubis, kol
    .Celery = daun seledri
    .Corn = jagung
    .Broccoli = brokoli
    . Spinach = bayam
    .Asparagus = asparagus
    .Eggplant = terong
    .Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini

    2).One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.) bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    . Spinach
    . Broccooi
    . String bean/green bean
    . Cabbage

  46. Name: Awaluddin
    Nis: 18.4306
    Class: XII PIS 2

    1. carrot, Cauliflower, celery, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green bean, lettuce, mushroom, onion

    2.Root vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes,sweet potatoes,carrots,turnips and beets,and tubers,such as garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    4.spinach,cabbage,peas,long beans,green pepers.

    5. Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  47. My name is: Alif fathir Syahbana


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  48. Atas nama syahrul
    Kelas XIII PIS 3
    1. artichoe, broccoli, asparagus, brussels sprouts, beetroot, cabbage, bell pepper or capsicum, carrot, eggpiant, cucumber

    2. Root vegetables are vegetables that grow under roots such as carrots and tubers

    3. The bulb is a certain plant that grows underground

    4. spinach
    long beans

    5. A salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat

  49. 1.Lettuce
    > Cabbage
    > Celery
    > Corn
    > Cauliflower
    > Broccoli
    > Spinach
    > Asparagus
    > Eggplant
    > Zucchini (squash)
    > Acorn squash

    2. Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. Although botany distinguishes true roots from non-roots, the term "root vegetable" is applied to all these types in agricultural and culinary usage. Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates

    3.Bulb(noun)= a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants-lats of flowers like tulips and daffadils are grown from bulbs.

    > Spinach
    > Peas
    > Brocoli
    > Cabbage

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber.

  50. My name is Aswin Agung Maulana Asran


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  51. Name: Muhammad Rais
    Nis: 18.4324

    1.vegetables include asparagus and kohlrabi. Among the edible tubers, or underground stems, are potatoes. The leaf and leafstalk vegetables include brussels sprouts, cabbage, celery, lettuce, rhubarb, and spinach. Among the bulb vegetables are garlic, leeks, and onions.

    2. Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. ... Root vegetables are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. They differ in the concentration and the balance among starches, sugars, and other types of carbohydrate.

    3.bulb has two filaments in it. The next time one burns out, carefully open it (for example, wrap it in a towel and hit it lightly with a hammer) and you will see the two separate filaments. For the lowest setting, one filament comes on (it might be a 50-watt filament).

    4. 1.spinach
    2.Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.salad Common raw vegetables (in the culinary sense) used in a salad include cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, onions, carrots, celery, radishes, mushrooms, avocado, olives, artichoke hearts, heart of palm, watercress, parsley, garden beets, and green beans. 

  52. 1. 1.potatoes
    7. garlic
    10.eggplant, pumpkin, green

    2.Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. 1.spinach
    2.Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.Salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients that are ready to eat. Like cucumbers, and sometimes often used for healthy diet foods

  53. 1.•potatoes
    •egg plant

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that eniarges on a plant due to food accumulation.

    3.bulb(noun):a around underground part of ceritain plants like onion and garlic plants lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    •Green Bean
    •Water spinach

    5.Salad is type of food consisting the more fruit and vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  54. Nama sriwahyuni
    Kelas XIII PIS 3

    1. 1.potatoes
    7. garlic
    10.eggplant, pumpkin, green

    2.Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. 1.spinach
    2.Water spinach
    3. Broccoli
    4. Mustard
    5. Lettuce

    5.Salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients that are ready to eat. Like cucumbers, and sometimes often used for healthy diet foods

  55. 1.•potatoes
    •egg plant

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that eniarges on a plant due to food accumulation.

    3.bulb(noun):a around underground part of ceritain plants like onion and garlic plants lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    •Green Bean
    •Water spinach

    5.Salad is type of food consisting the more fruit and vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  56. 1) 1. Turnips
    2. Patatoes
    9. eggplant 10.Eggolant,pumkin,green pepperumbi-umbi

    2) Rooted vegetables are vegetables that form enlarged alarms in plants because of the accumulation of food enlarged root can also be called potatoes, tubers, beet radishes, carrots, onions, spinach, cabbage and pumpkin

    3) The bulb is an artificial light that is produced by channeling an electric current through a filament which then heats up and can produce electric current light

    4) 1.water spinach

    5) fruit salad is a type of food that consists of several mixed vegetables and food ingredients that are combined from several kinds of vegetables or fruit into one.

  57. Nama :Dwi nur zakariah

    1 spinach
    string beans
    green peppers

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    -long beans
    -green paprica

    5..Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section,

  58. Nama ANSHAR
    Kls:12 iPS 2 1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers
    2.Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also
    commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers
    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  59. My name is Putri Nirmala, Niss : 18.4256
    1. Broccoli,Spinach,Asparagus,Cabbage, Celery, Corn,Cauliflower,Eggplant, Zucchini (squash),Acorn squash

    2. Root vegetables such as potatoes,sweet potatoes,carrots, turnips, and beets as well tubers such as onions and garlic

    3. A round underground part of certain plants like Onion and garlic plants lots of Flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. green vegetables or greens included Leaf vegetables like spinach and cabbage as well as certain legumes like Peas and string beans

    5. The salad greens are in the same part of The supermarket.

  60. Name:Affandi Kabir
    Niss. :18.4302


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  61. Nur Ashima
    XII Ipa 4
    1)spinach,Cabbage,potato,Carrot,Eggplant,lettuce,zucchini,Crorn, Asparagus,celery, cauliflower.

    2) Root vegetables are alarms that grow in plants Because of food accumulation, these enlarged roots are also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro

    3)Tubers are plant organs that change size and shape as a result of changes in function.

    4)Cabbage, Broccoli,lettuce,Spinach, Brussels Sprouts.

    5)Salad is a type of food that consists of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Name : Mutmainna
    Class : XII IPA 4
    Nis : 17.4249

    1. Potatoes
    2. Tubers

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.String beans
    5.Green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  64. Nama : Gledis nur arif
    Nis : 184311


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket

  65. Nama:Riswan

    1). 1. Potatoes 2. tub 3. carrots 4. globak 5.bit 6. gray 7. eggplant 8. cauliflower 9. mushrooms 10. long beans 2). Root vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets and tubers such as onions and garlic 3). The bulb is an artificial light source that is produced through channeling electric alus through the filament which then heats up and produces light. 4). Vegetable spinach Swamp cabbage Vegetable mustard Cabbage Vegetables Peas 5). Vegetable salad is a vegetable that can be eaten raw, such as cucumber, salada,


    UnknownJuly 12, 2020 at 5:50 PM
    1. bulbs, green vegetables, leaf vegetables, beans, raw, root vegetables, salad vegetables, vegetables, stem vegetables,
    2. Root vegetables are vegetables that grow in soil that has roots such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets.
    3. bulb is a certain plant that grows underground such as onions and garlic plants, this bulb also includes plants that have many flowers such as tulips and lilies planted from bulbs.
    4. Cucumber, cabbage, peas, spinach, lettuce.
    5.vegetables that can be used as a vegetable salad are lettuce and cucumber eaten raw, while other vegetables, including cauliflower, mushrooms and stalk vegetables such as asparagus and celery, can be eaten either raw or

  66. Nama:fitrianti
    Niss:18 .4309


    1.Lettuce = selada
    • Cabbage = kubis, kol
    • Celery = daun seledri
    • Corn = jagung
    • Cauliflower = kembang kol
    • Broccoli = brokoli
    • Spinach = bayam
    • Asparagus = asparagus
    • Eggplant = terong
    • Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
    • Acorn squash = labu biji

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  67. 1.Lettuce = selada
    • Cabbage = kubis, kol
    • Celery = daun seledri
    • Corn = jagung
    • Cauliflower = kembang kol
    • Broccoli = brokoli
    • Spinach = bayam
    • Asparagus = asparagus
    • Eggplant = terong
    • Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
    • Acorn squash = labu biji

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  68. 1.Lettuce = selada
    • Cabbage = kubis, kol
    • Celery = daun seledri
    • Corn = jagung
    • Cauliflower = kembang kol
    • Broccoli = brokoli
    • Spinach = bayam
    • Asparagus = asparagus
    • Eggplant = terong
    • Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
    • Acorn squash = labu biji

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Name : Syahrul Ramadhan
    Class : XII IPA 4
    Niss : 18.4265

    1.Lettuce = selada
    • Cabbage = kubis, kol
    • Celery = daun seledri
    • Corn = jagung
    • Cauliflower = kembang kol
    • Broccoli = brokoli
    • Spinach = bayam
    • Asparagus = asparagus
    • Eggplant = terong
    • Zucchini (squash) = sayuran Zucchini
    • Acorn squash = labu biji

    2.One type of food that nearly everyone eats every day is the food group called vegetables. Some vegetables grow underground, including root vegetables like potatoes, yams, carrots, turnips and beetroot as well as bulbs like onion and garlic.

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    -string bean/green bean

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  72. Name:Muhammad Indra
    Clas:XII PIA 4

    1. -spinach
    -long beans,
    -green peppers

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables in the form of an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called UMBI. so root vegetables are also commonly called UMBI vegetables.
    for example: carrots, turnips, cassava, Radis, beetroot, and taro.

    3.bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    -long beans
    -green paprica

    5.Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section,

  73. Name: Jabal nur
    Niss: 184315
    Class: XII IPS 2
    1. Spinach, Lettuce, Carrot, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Celery, Cabbage, Potato, Peas, Asparagus.

    2. Root vegetables are enlarged alarms on a plant because the biggest root food storage is called root vegetables, carrots, leeks, onions, turnips, potatoes, fennel.

    3. Bulb (noun): underground round section of certain plants such as onions and garlic plants - Many flowers such as tulips and lilies are planted from tubers.

    4. Spinach, Cabbage, Broccoli, long beans, Green paprica.

    5. Vegetable salads vegetables that are often used in salads - All vegetables in the same supermarket section.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. Name : muhammad zaldy fitrah
    Class XII IPS 1
    NISS : 0033353833

    1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  76. Name:khairul amri
    Class:XII pis 1
    1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  77. Name:khairul amri
    Class:XII pis 1
    1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  78. Name : Yudhi esa aprilla
    Class :18.4159


    1. spinach, cabbage, string beans, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, eggplant, cauliflower, turnips, green peppers

    2. root vegetables include vegetables that grow underground such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips and beets, and tubers such as garlic

    3.bulb (noun): a round underground part of certain plants like onion and garlic plants - Lots of flowers like tulips and daffodils are grown from bulbs.

    4. spinach, cabbage, peas, long beans, green peppers.

    5.salad vegetable (noun): a vegetable that's often used in salads - All the salad vegetables are in the same part of the supermarket.

  79. Name:Nur Faizal Sriwandi
    Class:X11 pis 1

    1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumber

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.


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