
  1. Assalamualaikum
    Name: Nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    Again the same video with the story of the betrayal of love, Seeing his own lover betrayed behind, and forgetting memories that are so beautiful makes it hard to forget him, but as time goes by the man can re-open his heart to another woman, the ex regrets leaving someone who really love him, very sad and very good video. thank you.

  2. Sri Reski Fitriah Yusna (18.4191)
    XI IPA 2

    The video is very good, the message conveyed in the song can be well received to the audience. The models in the video clips are very expressive, so that viewers can feel what is felt by the models in the video clip.

  3. Name: Aspar Amin
    Class: Xl IPA 2

    This video is actually good but the player is a bit stiff to move and even better if the player is talking and the video's duration is better if it is extended

  4. Name : putri rahmadani hasmar
    Class : XI Pia 1
    the story of a teenager who was hurt to see his girlfriend sitting together with another man. with actors who deepen their role in the video so that it can be well received by the audience.

  5. The quality of the video needs to be more comfortable and can enjoy the continuation of the video, for the introduction it should not affect the b&w, some of the effects used in the several scenes are inadequate, but it is good for the filming and acting.

    Rahardi Dwijaya
    From class XI PIA 1

  6. In my opinion this video tells about a guy who was hurt by seeing someone he loved with another guy. And at that time he felt worse and as time went by the guy rose from his pain then opened his heart to another girl and finally the girl who once loved him regretted having wasted a guy who once loved himself.

    Xl ipa 1

    Class : XI IPA 2

    This video is very good, the story line is also good. There are only a few scenes where the picture is unclear, so the face of the cast cannot be clearly known

  8. Name : Muttiara
    Nis : 18.4178
    Class : XI IPA 2

    The video tells the story of a man's love for a woman where Muh Riski's love is betrayed by the Hasni woman he loves.Thank you

  9. I am Maulana dien islamia
    From XI IPA 1

    the video is very interesting and there are many things that can be emulated in it especially the cast in this vudeo they are very good at acting

  10. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
    Name: fani Novianti N
    Clara : Xl IPA 1

    You should not trust someone too much because someday, if you betray you will feel sick and also for those who betray you will not always be happy because basically you will feel the same as you will get more karma. starring Asmawati, Hasni, Karmila, Muh Riski, Agus, Syahrul Alamsyah, and Aswandi. Thank you🙏

    1. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
      Name:Fani Novianti N
      Class : Xl IPA 1

      You should not trust someone too much because someday, if you are betrayed you will feel pain and also for those who betrayed you will not always be happy because basically you will feel the same because you will get karma. starring Asmawati, Hasni, Karmila, Muh Riski, Agus, Syahrul Alamsyah, and Aswandi. Thank you🙏

  11. In this video tells the story of a teenager who is heartbroken to see his girlfriend sitting together with another man. He remembers memories of being together, until when he gets a new girlfriend.

    Name:Putri inayah
    Class:XI.PIA 1

  12. Name: Irdawati
    Class: XI Science 1

    I think this video tells about a man who was betrayed by his lover. Where the man was very hurt when he saw his lover with another man. Then over time the man completely forgot his girlfriend and opened his heart to another woman. And finally the woman regretted betraying her own boyfriend. My assessment of this video clip is that this video clip is very good because the audience can understand the storyline. The video is very good👍

  13. Name : Hilmy Hafidah
    Class : XI IPA 1

    The video is pretty good, the cast also seems to enjoy their respective roles so that viewers can understand the messages conveyed in the scene, one of which we can see from the scene that is so clear is the hurt feelings, but I think the video quality is still low so it looks blurry and the player's face is also unclear

  14. Name: Awaluddin
    class:X1 Pia 1

    The video above is quite good, but the drawback is in the camera stylist and what if the person talks will be better vedio and more comfortable watching the vedio

    Class: XI Science 1

    This video tells about betrayal where a woman prefers a new man to her current boyfriend. Gradually the man had already begun to forget the woman and started a new relationship with his new girlfriend after that the woman who had committed treason first regretted her actions. This video clip provides a lesson for all of us not to do something bad because it will turn to us. This video clip is very good.


  16. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class :Xl Ipa 2

    The meaning of oneRepublic's apologize song is meaningful about the apology of his ex-lover who hopes to be forgiven so they can move forward together.

  17. Name: Indriani Safitri
    Class : XI Ipa 4
    Nis : 18.4238

    The video tells story of a man who is loved by a woman, when imagining such beautiful memories sometimes makes him disappointed, sad, and hurt. So that with the passage of time the man can move on to find a better woman. The video edits are good, so is the beautiful setting and is added with the Player who is so in charge of his role.

  18. Name:Irmawati
    Class:XI ipa3
    The video is very good,the story line is also good the pictures also unclear, the efect is also added a little to fit the song.

  19. Name: Nur Ekasari
    Class : XI IPA 1

    as with the previous video, this video tells the same story, because a misunderstanding of people who previously liked each other eventually lost to circumstances that made them unable to be like they used to be. if in terms of assessment, their way of making this video is no less good than the previous video, the editing is very good.

  20. Name:Nurfadia
    Class:XI IPA 1

    In my opinion this video tells the story of a man who was hurt by seeing someone he loved with another man. And at that time he felt sad and as time went by the man rose from his pain then opened his heart to another woman. This is a very good video to motivate us that the experience of being "betrayed" by someone we love is one of blessing, mercy or guidance from God so that we will realize mistakes and do self-introspection. It turns out that he is "the one who turns the heart", so that in a matter of seconds can change the feeling that was "like / love" with us to be the opposite. So from that, don't ever waste someone who sincerely loves you

    Class: XI PIA 2

    The love story of a student, while Muh Riski chose a girl named Hasni, but after Muh Riski saw the girl he liked while sitting with Agus, Muh Riski's heart was disappointed he chose to use a girl named Asmawati.
    The video expresses a feeling so deep in the lost compilation that makes it like everyone else.

  22. Name : Julia febrianti
    Class : XI IPA 1

    in my opinion the acting is very good they are very confident in playing their role but I see the video is less clear because the quality of the video is not high enough.

  23. Bismillah
    Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    The film is very good, this film succeeded in making me touched, the players are very creative in making films, the story is very good, the song lyrics in this video are very perfect, the place and atmosphere is very good, anyway this group is very perfect.

  24. Name : Julia febrianti
    Class : XI IPA 1

    in my opinion the acting is very good they are very confident in playing their role but I see the video is less clear because the quality of the video is not high enough.

  25. Name:Samsahrana
    Class:XI Ipa 1

    From this video tells the story of a love affair that betrays a woman who betrays her man from behind. For a little bit slowly, this man is calm and tries to forget it. this man he also regretted seeing him with another woman and this woman realized that this man really really loved her. From this video it was extraordinary. so here we see that leaving someone is not necessarily to get the name of happiness.

  26. Name : Indri Astuti
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This video tells the story of a high school boy's love story in which a Muh Riski loves a woman namely Hasni but the woman he loves along with another man named Agus.
    Thank you

  27. Hikmayanti
    XI IPA 1


    Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan
    menurut saya melihat video ini

    bagus perasaannya dapat, tempatnya juga mendukung Vilter juga terakhirnya bagus
    sedihnya dapat

    hanya saja pengambilan gambar terlalu jauh sehingga penonton melihat tdk terlalu jelas mengetahui ekspresi apa yang di lakukan pemain entah itu senyum atau sedih

    perkenalan pemain menurut saya terlalu biasa dalam pembuatan video
    saran saya carilah ide2 untuk memperkenalkan masing masing pemain dengan kreatif

    dan untuk lagunya juga mendukung saya suka

    tetap semangat
    Yang Muda Yang berkarya
    kalau bukan kita siapa lagi kalau bukan sekarang kapan lagi
    in my opinion see this video

    the feeling is good, the place also supports Vilter and the last one is good
    sad to be

    it's just that taking pictures is too far away so that the viewer doesn't see too clearly knowing what expression the player is doing whether it's smile or sad

    player introduction in my opinion is too ordinary in making videos
    my advice look for ideas to introduce each player creatively

    and for the song also supports I like

    Keep spirit
    The Younger Who Works
    if not us who else if not now when else

  28. Hikmayanti
    XI IPA 1


    in my opinion see this video

    the feeling is good, the place also supports Vilter and the last one is good
    sad to be

    it's just that taking pictures is too far away so that the viewer doesn't see too clearly knowing what expression the player is doing whether it's smile or sad

    player introduction in my opinion is too ordinary in making videos
    my advice look for ideas to introduce each player creatively

    and for the song also supports I like

    Keep spirit
    The Younger Who Works
    if not us who else if not now when else

  29. he easily opens feelings for other men, without thinking that there is someone who truly loves him. hahaha stupid easy to forget without guilt, and finally regret it too.

  30. Name: Nur intang
    Class: XI IPA 2

    this video is very good storyline, the song used in this video along with the storyline is very connected and very touching in the heart of the story especially those who watch teenagers like me, only the video quality is not good a little anyway.

    thank you


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