Grains, Beans and Nuts Vocabulary

Besides fruits and vegetables, plants also give us grainsbeans and nuts.


Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago. Among the first to be cultivated were wheat and barley in the Middle East, rice and millet in Asia and Africa, and corn or maize in Central America. All these grains are still eaten today, along with many others like oats, rye and sorghum. Many grains are cooked and eaten whole or made into breakfast cereals. But grains like wheat, rye, millet and corn are usually ground into a powder called flour which is then used to make foods like bread, cakes and tortillas.


Like grains, beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually bigger than grains and come from flowering plants instead of grasses. They have been cultivated for thousands of years in all parts of the world. Broad beans, mung beans and adzuki beans were first cultivated in Asia, while lima beans, pinto beans, kidney beans and haricot beans (now used to make "baked beans") were first cultivated in South America. The cocoa bean, from which chocolate is made, is also from South America, while Africa’s most famous bean by far is the coffee bean.

Beans come from a large family of plants called legumes. Other edible legumes include chick peas, lentils, black-eyed peas and soybeans. Most legumes have long seedpods in which the seeds grow. After the seeds have grown into what we call beans or peas, the seedpods are picked off the plant and split open.


Nuts are hard, dry fruits with a woody outer covering that has to be cracked open to get the edible seed inside. Some nuts are so hard that special tools called nutcrackers (image right) are used to open them. Some of the most popular nuts are almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, chestnuts, Brazil nuts, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and macadamia nuts. One of the most famous nuts is the coconut. Its white flesh is delicious and the water inside makes a sweet and refreshing drink. Another famous food that most people think is a nut is actually a legume. They grow underground and are often eaten with drinks at a bar or a party. Can you guess what they are?

bean (noun): an edible seed, often kidney-shaped, that grows in a seedpod - Mexicans eat lots of beans, especially red kidney beans.

breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

cereal (noun): 1. a plant that produces edible grain, like rice and wheat 2. breakfast cereal - Cereals are a good source of most types of vitamin B.

edible (adjective): safe and tasting good enough to eat - Some mushrooms are edible, but some are so poisonous they can kill you.

flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

grain (noun): seeds used as food, like wheat, rice and millet - Different grains are used to make different kinds of bread.

grind (verb): to crush something into tiny pieces - Corn flour is made by grinding grains of corn into a fine powder.

legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

nut (noun): a hard, dry fruit with seeds inside a hard, woody shell - Can you get a packet of mixed nuts from the store?

nutcracker (noun): a tool for breaking open the hard shells of nuts - You'll have to use a nutcracker to crack open those walnuts.

seedpod (also pod) (noun): the long structure of legumes in which several peas or beans grow - Before cooking beans they have to be removed from their seedpods.

1. What are grains?
2. What is breakfast cereal?
3. What is flour?
4. What are beans?
5. What is legume?


  1. 1. yes it is grains from peanuts could be breakfast cereal
    3. it's not flour
    4. yes it's a peanut product from Tanah Abang, Al Madinah Almonds is bulk 1 kg per pcs on sale
    5. it's not legume

  2. Name : Sinar
    Class :XII PIB
    Nis : 18.4401

    1. Seeds are ovaries of mature flowering plants. Seeds can be protected by other organs or not. From an evolutionary point of view, seeds are embryos or small plants that are modified so that they can last longer in conditions less suitable for growth

    2. Cereal is a healthy food choice that is very practical in the morning. Besides being served quickly, the nutritional content is very complete.

    3. Flour is a solid particle that forms fine or very fine granules depending on the grinding process. Used for research, household and industrial raw materials.

    4. Peanuts is a non-botanical term commonly used to refer to seeds which are added to leguminous plants. In everyday conversation, beans are also used to refer to the fruit or even plants that produce them.

    5. Beans are a term for beans that are relatively larger than cereals and are used as food for humans and livestock

  3. Nama: NurAeni
    Class: Xll pib
    Nis: 184392

    1. yes it is grains from peanuts could be breakfast cereal
    3. it's not flour
    4. yes it's a peanut product from Tanah Abang, Al Madinah Almonds is bulk 1 kg per pcs on sale
    5. it's not legume

  4. Assalamualaikum Sir
    Name:Riska Anisa
    Class:XII PIB

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago.

    2.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    3.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4.Nuts are hard, dry fruits with a woody outer covering that has to be cracked open to get the edible seed inside.

    5.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  5. Assalamualaikum Sir
    Name:Riska Anisa
    Class:XII PIB

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago.

    2.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    3.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4.Nuts are hard, dry fruits with a woody outer covering that has to be cracked open to get the edible seed inside.

    5.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  6. Nama: NurAeni
    Class: xll pib
    Nis: 184392

    1.Seeds are seeds from cooked flowering plants.
    2.Breakfast cereal is food served as breakfast. These foods are generally served cold, and eaten with milk, water or yogurt, or eaten directly.

    3.Flour is a solid particle that forms fine or very fine granules depending on the grinding process. Used for research, household and industrial raw materials.
    4. Peanuts is a non-botanical term commonly used to refer to seeds which are added to leguminous plants. In everyday conversation, beans are also used to refer to the fruit or even plants that produce them
    5. legumes including peas

    Class: XII PIB
    Niss: 18.4389

    1. Grains are seeds from grass called cereals that were first cultivated more than nine thousand years ago.

    2. breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    3. flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4. beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually larger than grains and come from flowering plants instead of grass.

    5. legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  8. Nama:Supriadi
    Class:XII Pib

    1.Seeds are seeds from cooked flowering plants.
    2.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    3.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.
    4. Peanuts is a non-botanical term commonly used to refer to seeds which are added to leguminous plants. In everyday conversation, beans are also used to refer to the fruit or even plants that produce them
    5.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  9. Nama:Zul kifli
    Class:Xll PIB

    1.Seeds are plant embryos themselves and are rich in nutrients. Each seed contains vitamins, minerals, protein, essential oils and active enzymes in high content

    2.foods that are generally eaten as breakfast. These foods are generally eaten cold, and eaten with milk, water or yogurt, or eaten directly. Some types of cereal, such as oatmeal, can be heated so that it becomes like porridge.

    3.Flour is a solid particle that forms fine or very fine granules depending on the grinding process. Used for research, household and industrial raw materials

    4.Beans is a term for beans that is relatively larger than cereals and is used as food for humans and livestock. Peanuts are generally obtained from the Fabaceae family plant. Harvested beans such as peas, beans and edamame are not called beans in FAO resolution

    5.legumes are shrubs that double blossoms, bear pods, produce minerals, their roots contain a mixture of nitrogen and bacteria, including important food for livestock (such as peanut trees, clover); legume plant

  10. Nama Muhammad ismail
    Class:XII PIB

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago.
    2.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp
    3.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.
    4.bean (noun): an edible seed, often kidney-shaped, that grows in a seedpod - Mexicans eat lots of beans, especially red kidney beans.
    5.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  11. 1.What are grains?
    Grains are seeds from grass called cereals that were first cultivated more than nine thousand years ago

    2.What is breakfast cereal?
    Cereal is a healthy food choice that is very practical in the morning. Besides being served quickly, the
    nutritional content is very complete.

    3. What is flour?
    a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4. What are beans?
    Beans come from a large family of plants called legumes.

    5. What is legume?
    .a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  12. Name:Nurrahma
    Class:XII PIB

    1.What are grains?
    Grains are seeds from grass called cereals that were first cultivated more than nine thousand years ago

    2.What is breakfast cereal?
    Cereal is a healthy food choice that is very practical in the morning. Besides being served quickly, the
    nutritional content is very complete.

    3. What is flour?
    a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4. What are beans?
    Beans come from a large family of plants called legumes.

    5. What is legume?
    .a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  13. Name : Sapar
    Class : XII_PIB
    Nis : 18.4400

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago.

    2.Breakfast cereal is food served as breakfast. These foods are generally served cold, and eaten with milk, water or yogurt, or eaten directly.

    3. flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    4. peanuts is a non-botanical term commonly used to refer to seeds which are added to leguminous plants. In everyday conversation, beans are also used to refer to the fruit or even plants that produce them

    5. Beans are a term for beans that are relatively larger than cereals and are used as food for humans and livestock

  14. Name : Muhammad Risal
    Class : XII_PIB
    Nis :18.4391

    1.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    2.Grains are seeds from grass called cereals that were first cultivated more than nine thousand years ago.

    3.beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually larger than grains and come from flowering plants instead of grass.

    4.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

    5.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nama:rusli
    kls:Xll Pib

    1.breakfast cereal (or cereal) (noun): breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.

    2.Grains are seeds from grass called cereals that were first cultivated more than nine thousand years ago.

    3.beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually larger than grains and come from flowering plants instead of grass.

    4.legume (noun): a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

    5.flour (noun): a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.

  16. Name : muh. Syahban nur
    Class : XII PIB
    NIS : 18.4387

    1. Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first cultivated over nine thousand years ago.
    2. breakfast food made from roasted grain, esp. wheat, corn or oats - Pour some breakfast cereal into a bowl and then add some milk.
    3. a powder made by grinding grain - Maria buys wheat and grinds it into flour herself.
    4. an edible seed, often kidney-shaped, that grows in a seedpod - Mexicans eat lots of beans, especially red kidney beans.
    5. a plant with a seedpod containing beans or peas - Did you know that the peanut isn't really a nut? It's actually a legume.

  17. Name : Rahmat maulana
    Class : XII PIB
    NIS :

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first
    cultivated over nine thousand years ago.
    2.Breakfast cereal is a traditional breakfast made from
    processed cereal grains.
    3.flour is a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically
    wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and tortillas.
    4.beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually bigger than
    grains and come from flowering plants instead of grasses.
    5.legume is a plant with a seedpod containing beans or

  18. Name : Rahmat maulana
    Class : XII PIB
    NIS :

    1.Grains are seeds from grasses called cereals that were first
    cultivated over nine thousand years ago.
    2.Breakfast cereal is a traditional breakfast made from
    processed cereal grains.
    3.flour is a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically
    wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and tortillas.
    4.beans are edible seeds, but beans are usually bigger than
    grains and come from flowering plants instead of grasses.
    5.legume is a plant with a seedpod containing beans or


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