Video Clip Siswa Kelas XI PIA 2 TP 2019-2020 (Kingfiher Group)


  1. Name : Arya Saputra
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    for heron group excellence in making films is quite good and neat just because the place is not good and the duration is not long, but still is the best.

  2. Assalamualaikum
    Name: Nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    The video is very sad and very good, in this video tells a man who expresses his feelings to some women he likes, instead of being happy but he is rejected by those women, really a very very creative and good video. Thank you

  3. Sri Reski Fitriah Yusna (18.4191)
    XI IPA 2

    The video clip of the song tells the story of unrequited love. The message that the video clip models want to convey can be conveyed well to the audience.

  4. This video tells the story of a man liking a woman, and at one time the man invites the woman to go to the beach to enjoy the sunset, and there also the man expresses his feelings, but the woman may reject it, then the man is disappointed and the next day the man continued to struggle to get her heart, but in the end the woman still did not want him, and the next day the woman walked with another man, continued to meet with the man who once expressed his feelings to him.

    1. Name : Marwa
      Class : XI IPA 2This video tells the story of a man liking a woman, and at one time the man invites the woman to go to the beach to enjoy the sunset, and there also the man expresses his feelings, but the woman may reject it, then the man is disappointed and the next day the man continued to struggle to get her heart, but in the end the woman still did not want him, and the next day the woman walked with another man, continued to meet with the man who once expressed his feelings to him.

  5. In my opinion the video tells about a guy's struggle to get someone he likes. But the struggle was unrequited and the girl he liked preferred to be with another guy and where it broke his heart.

    Xl ipa 1

  6. Name : Marwa
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This video tells the story of a man liking a woman, and at one time the man invites the woman to go to the beach to enjoy the sunset, and there also the man expresses his feelings, but the woman may reject it, then the man is disappointed and the next day the man continued to struggle to get her heart, but in the end the woman still did not want him, and the next day the woman walked with another man, continued to meet with the man who once expressed his feelings to him.

  7. nama: muhammad safwan
    kls :xi pia 2
    nis : 18.4177
    fidio ini menceritakan tentang perjuangan seorang lelaki untuk mendapatkan kekasih hatinya tetapi wanita ini tak ingin menjadi kekasihnya dia ingin cuman sebatas sahabat aja.oleh karena itu lelaki ini udah patah hati dengan kekasih tersebut dan melupakannya.

  8. This video is very good but the video duration is not long enough and there is no sound when people are talking on the video but the video is very good

    Class : IX IPA 2

    This time, I was confused about what I wanted to comment on or how I wanted to comment. I do not know whether my brain is not too smart to understand this video or indeed this video is difficult to make viewers understand. I do not understand anything about the story presented in this video. the image quality is still lacking, so it makes me confused to recognize the player's face. I am also confused who is dating that guy, and who is hurting that guy ...
    I really appreciate their efforts because making videos like this is very difficult. but forgive me if my comments on this video are too many😶

  10. Name: Aspar Amin
    Class: Xl IPA 2

    This video is very good but the video duration is not long enough and there is no sound when people are talking on the video but the video is very good

    CLASS : XI IPA 2

    the video from this group in my opinion from the story is rather easy to guess, the place is actually quite good it's just how to record the video is not too good nor is the quality of the video which is also not too good because it might only use a cellphone to record video. And here I am also confused about what dialogue they have. but still we might be able to judge that like a teenager whose love is rejected. :)

    CLASS: XI Science 1

    In my opinion, this video discusses a man who wants to express his love to a woman. But this woman prefers other men.
    However, in my judgment of this video clip, some of the actors of this video clip are not too expressing their role. very nice.

  13. Name : Fani Novianti N
    Class : Xl IPA 1

    Sometimes what is expected is not appropriate is achieved, should not be too hopeful to people who do not want us and also sometimes maybe that person wants someone more than us


  14. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class : Xl Ipa 2

    the video tells about a man who wants to express his feelings with the woman he loves, but when they meet the man states what is in his heart to the woman, but the woman refuses and the woman walks with another man

    CLASS: XI Science 1

    In my opinion, this video discusses a man who wants to express his love to a woman. But this woman prefers other men.
    However, in my judgment of this video clip, some of the actors of this video clip are not too expressing their role. very nice.

  16. Name : putri rahmadani hasmar
    Class : XI pia 1
    the video earlier depicted someone who fell in love and then was hurt, the actor described his role well and deeply.

  17. Name : putri rahmadani hasmar
    Class : XI pia 1
    the video earlier depicted someone who fell in love and then was hurt, the actor described his role well and deeply.

  18. the man who struggles to make her happy, but the woman betrays without thinking that there is a man who clearly wants to fight for her happiness, but easily the woman turns away with another man who doesn't want to fight clearly for him🤦‍♀️


  19. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class : Xl Ipa 2

    the video tells about a man who wants to express his feelings with the woman he loves, but when they meet the man states what is in his heart to the woman, but the woman refuses and the woman walks with another man


  20. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class : Xl Ipa 2

    the video tells about a man who wants to express his feelings with the woman he loves, but when they meet the man states what is in his heart to the woman, but the woman refuses and the woman walks with another man

    Class : XI IPA 1

    in my opinion the quality of the video clip is not high enough, when reading the chat is unclear, the acting is also not deep enough to feel what is felt and I do not know what this song is and about what. and a little suggestion if you can end the video or the beginning of the video there is a statement that what is this song and about what for those who watch it easier to understand its meaning.
    But, I like the confidence and hard work of making the video clip.

    Thank you😊

    Class : XI IPA 2

    The video is very good, the storyline depicts the feelings of the man he expressed to the woman he liked but was not avenged by the woman. The story is interesting and the way of shooting is good and the shooting location is also good

  23. Name:Irmawati
    Class:XI ipa 3 good video the acting must be added againg and the efects added plus so that the video blends with the song and the actorst are creative and motivated.

  24. For the shooting position it needs to be corrected because at the time of the first scene it becomes clear that the positions of the male and female roles are close together, the transition in the video also needs repair because some transitions are poorly used, and some scenes still need a little reshaping to make them more real.

    Rahardi Dwijaya
    XI PIA 1

  25. Name:Irmawati class:XI ipa 3
    Good video the acting must be added againg and the efects added plus so that the video blends with the song and the actorst are creative and motivated.

    1. Nam:Irmawati
      Class:XI ipa3
      Good video the acting must be added againg and the efects added plus so that the video blends with the song and the actorst are creative and motivated.

  26. Name: Ila fadila putri
    Class: XI PIA 2

    I think the video is good enough to watch. Little has to be fixed about the theme. If you have just become acquainted with him, do not immediately ask her out on a date. But wait for the right time for it. Don't just remember your feelings, but you don't see whether or not a girl likes you. And as men we also have to overcome the mood of girls. Like inviting him to meet from where he thinks is good.

  27. Bismillah
    Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    The film is very good, Romantic but a little sad, the players are very creative in making films, the story in my opinion is sad because the woman who plays the role of this film has another man or is usually called a third person. Anyway, the group is perfect

  28. In this video I see a man approaching a woman, he tries to be able to walk together to enjoy the sunset. And the man is disappointed because his love is unrequited.

    Name:Putri inayah
    Class:XI.PIA 1

  29. Name : Hikmayanti
    Class : XI IPA 1

    in my opinion personally see the video

    the beginning of the chat and the meeting was fine but when Rudhy kicked the tree there I started to not understand the story line
    until the end honestly I was rather unreasonable with the ending
    and when a woman and her boyfriend meet a rudhy on the road it shouldn't be like that but if they are far away they just look back to each other instead of greeting but just looking at it

    and for the song, it seems like it's not included
    and in the video too many filters are complicated

    and for introducing inappropriate members

    this is in my own opinion
    please accept criticism because sometimes it exists to build up, not bring down

    keep working enthusiasm

  30. I am Maulana Dien Islamia
    From XI IPA 1

    they are in the same place but why do you have to talk via WhatsApp? I think the video is good and I like the backsound the most

  31. Nama:RizkyFathimahAzzahrah

    my comments about the video are good. The story or video will be watched by many teenagers, because in the video tells the story of a teenage love story. Videos or stories that relate to love stories will certainly interest many of them. Nursakinah

    Class = XI.IPA.4

    I like this film because it has funny actors and one of them can speak English well, and the editing in this film is quite interesting to see, I like the film.

    Class = XI.IPA.4

    I like this film because it has funny actors and one of them can speak English well, and the editing in this film is quite interesting to see, I like the film.

  34. Name:Nurmita
    Class:XI pia four

    In this fidio we can conclude that someone we like may not necessarily like us especially someone who is not lawful for us. Think Logically, constantly chasing people or falling in love with someone who might not have will make someone hurt

  35. Name:Samsahrana
    Class:XI Ipa 1

    From this video tells the story of a man who was liking one of the women. And at that time this man invited the woman to meet at a place (beach). Walk with another man. So this is where we know that love cannot be forced and let him choose as he pleases.

  36. Name: Nurfadia
    Class: XI PIA 1

    This is a very good video because of this
    Video clips of the song tell
    unrequited love, or unrequited love is love that is not replied openly, is not responded to, or not just understood, even though the person who loves usually wants his love to be returned by the loved one. So if you have just been
    get acquainted with him, don't
    immediately ask her out. But wait for the right time so you don't feel disappointed

  37. Name :Hilmy Hafidah
    Class : XI IPA 1

    The video is pretty good the players also look serious, if we look at the video this clip tells the story of someone who is in love and wants to express his feelings but when he revealed it he was rejected and he also saw the woman he loved with another man and finally he felt disappointed.

  38. name: Nur intang
    Class: XI IPA 2
    in my opinion this video tells about a teenager who is in love. In this video, what I can understand is that there is a man who falls in love with a woman, where the woman is his own schoolmate. One day he took her to the beach to see the sunset and there was also a man express his feelings but unfortunately the woman refused his love for the man, the man was very disappointed and hurt. And accidentally the man met the woman he loved but unfortunately the woman was with other men and her love was the man is unrequited. This video is very good but unfortunately the picture quality is not good and the picture is unclear, maybe because the video capture using cellphone is not so good but even so, they are all very great because they can make videos as good and this good, and I really appreciate their efforts because making videos like this is very difficult and difficult.

    thank you


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