Indefinite articles (a and an)

In English, a and an are indefinite articles, which means that they don't refer to anything definite or specific. If someone were to say, "Give me an apple," you might be inclined to run out and pick one from the tree outside, or you may even run to the store and buy one. By using the word an, the speaker has let you know that he or she is looking for any apple rather than a specific one.

Choose A, AN or (/) for "no article" for each blank below.

1. Because there was  huge rainstorm, the flight was delayed for more than  hour. The airport was full of  angry passengers.

2. You said that he was  well known player on  European football team, his name started with  "E", and his jersey had  "18" on it. I don't know who you are talking about.

3. That company makes  app to let you instantly translate  things with  iPhone. That's  useful tool for  frequent traveler.

4. Is this  phone number? It's really hard to read. Is that  "1" or  "7"?

5. With gas prices at  all-time high, I wish I didn't drive  SUV. I think  small compact car would be  much more cost-effective way to get around.

6. "Photo" doesn't start with  "F"; it starts with  "P". And "write" starts with  "W", not  "R".

7. He's quite  unique salesman. He has  unusual gift for keeping  customers happy, and he has  honest face which convinces  people to buy things.

8. I buy my music from  online music store. They charge Americans  dollar for  song and Europeans  euro. You can choose to download the song as  MP3 or in several other formats. If you purchase ten songs, they will even send you  CD.

9. No, no, Margaret isn't  secretary; her husband is. In fact, he is quite  efficient secretary. He works for  well known law firm downtown.

10. Dr. Perez is  professor at Stanford University. She has  Ph.D. in biology from Yale and  MBA from Harvard. She is quite  educated lady.


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