The indefinite article: 'a' and 'an'

We use the indefinite article, a/an, with singular nouns when the listener/reader does not know exactly which one we are referring to:

Police are searching for a 14-year-old girl.

We also use it to show that the person or thing is one of a group:

She is a student at London Road School.

Police have been looking for a 14-year-old girl who has been missing since Friday.

Jenny Brown is a pupil at London Road School. She is 1.6 metres tall, with short, blonde hair. When she left home, she was wearing a blue jacket, a blue and white blouse, dark blue jeans and blue shoes. 

Anyone who has information should contact the local police on 0800 349 781.

We do not use an indefinite article with plural nouns or uncount nouns:

She was wearing blue shoes. (plural noun)
She has short, blonde hair(uncount noun)

Choose A, AN or (/) for "no article" for each blank below.

1. I have  two sisters and  brother. My brother has  son. That makes me  uncle.

2. Would you like  orange? Or would you prefer  banana? We also have  strawberries.

3. Does anyone have  cell phone? I need to make  emergency phone call.

4. Larry doesn't own  car. He rides  motorcycle to work.

5. Today, you ate  ice cream cone,  piece of pizza,  burrito and  doughnuts. That's not exactly  healthy diet.

6. Let's go see  movie. There's  adventure film that I have really been wanting to see.

7. Is there  Internet cafe around here? I need to send  important email.

8. Instead of making  traditional turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, she baked  enormous chicken.

9. It looks like it is going to be  rainy day. You should take  umbrella.

10. Phil and Debbie took  amazing vacation to Switzerland last year. They even climbed  mountain near Lucerne.


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