Dairy Foods Vocabulary

People have been raising animals like horses, donkeys, camels, goats, sheep and cows for thousands of years. They were raised for meat and skins as well as for milk¹. If female animals were producing milk to feed their young, people could also drink it if they milked² the animals. The milk spoiled if it wasn't drunk within a day or two, so people found ways to turn it into foods that lasted longer, and these foods became what we now call dairy foods.

Milk, Cream and Butter

Most of the milk we drink these days is cow's milk. Like all milk, if cow's milk is left to stand it separates into a low-fat drink called skimmed milk and a top layer of thick, high-fat cream. Cream is used both in cooking and as a topping on desserts, but if it's stirred very quickly or "whipped" it gets even thicker and can be used in cakes and pastries as well. Cream can also be thickened by adding chemicals, and this type of cream is called double cream, heavy cream or whipping cream. If cream is whipped for a long time, it gradually turns into butter. Butter is used in cooking and also as a spread, but many people now use a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils or animal fats called margarine instead.


If milk is left for a few days, soft lumps called curds begin to form. If the curds are removed and drained, a soft cheese is made. If they're also pressed, a harder cheese is made. The most popular soft cheeses include ricotta and cottage cheese as well as creamy table cheeses like Brie and Camembert. Semi-soft cheeses include feta, a Greek cooking cheese made from goat's milk that's also used in salads, and Mozzarella, an Italian cheese that's often used in pizzas.

Semi-hard cheeses with a mild taste include Gouda, Edam and many Swiss cheeses in which holes called "eyes" are found. These cheeses are often made in wheel-shaped moulds¹, and this is why they're usually sold in wedge-shaped pieces. Harder and stronger-tasting cheeses like Cheddar and Cheshire can be used as both cooking and table cheeses, as can many blue cheeses like Gorgonzola and Stilton that have a blue mould² inside that gives them a special flavour. The hardest cheeses like Parmesan are usually grated and sprinkled over other foods like spaghetti sauce to make them even tastier.

In many countries the best-selling cheeses are processed cheese and cream cheeses that are made in factories and have chemicals added that change their colour and taste. They're cheap to make, but most cheese lovers say they're tasteless and never eat them.

Other Dairy Products

Milk is also used to make ice-cream, Italian gelato and yoghurt, a dairy product that's made by adding a special bacteria to milk that makes it firmer and gives it a sour taste. Milk can also be dried to make powdered milk that's used to make chocolate and a processed food for babies called infant formula. Companies that make infant formula spend huge amounts of money marketing it as a healthy alternative to natural mother's milk, but most doctors say mother's milk is much healthier because it contains important elements that infant formula lacks.

blue cheese (noun): cheese containing blue mould, such as Stilton and Danish Blue - What's that blue cheese on the cheese platter?

butter (noun): a solid, pale yellow dairy food made by churning cream - Oh no! We've run out of butter!

cheese (noun): a soft or hard food made from milk curds that's used in cooking or eaten on crackers, bread, etc. - The best cheeses are really expensive.

cooking cheese (noun): any cheese that's mostly used in cooking - If we're serving French food, we'll need some cooking cheese.

cottage cheese (noun): soft, lumpy white cheese made from skimmed milk curds - Would you like some cottage cheese in your sandwich?

cream (noun): thick, high-fat liquid from milk that's used in cooking and with desserts - We had fruit salad and fresh cream for dessert.

cream cheese (noun): a soft smooth white cheese with a very mild taste - We could have some crackers and cream cheese.

dairy foods (noun): milk and all the foods made from milk - All the dairy foods are up the back of the supermarket.

feta (noun): a soft white goat's milk cheese from Greece - I'm making a Greek spinach pie so I'll need some feta.

gelato (noun): Italian-style ice cream - I'd never tried gelato before I went to Italy.

infant formula or baby formula (noun): a processed baby food made with powdered milk - Is natural mother's milk better for babies than infant formula?

margarine (noun): a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils or animal fats - You don't like margarine more than butter, do you?

milk¹ (noun): 1. a natural liquid food that female mammals produce for their young 2. cow's milk - Do you have milk in your coffee?

milk² (verb): to get milk from a cow or other animal, either by hand or with a milking machine - We milk our cows every morning and evening.

mould¹ (also "mold" US spelling) (noun): a container that gives a solidifying liquid its final shape - They must use rectangular moulds to make their hard cheeses.

mould² (noun): tiny green, blue, or white fungi that can grow on or in certain foods - How much mould should a blue cheese have?

powdered milk (noun): a powder made from dried milk - Carrying powdered milk is better because it's lighter than milk.

processed cheese (noun): cheese made in a factory with many added chemicals - Why did you get processed cheese instead of real cheese?

skimmed milk (also US "skim milk") (noun): milk that's had the cream taken out of it - Skimmed milk has less fat than full cream milk.

Swiss cheese (noun): any semi-hard cheese with holes in it - Can you slice some Swiss cheese for the sandwiches?

table cheese (noun): any cheese that's meant to be served at table rather than used in cooking - Of all their table cheeses, the Jarlsberg is best.

yoghurt or yogurt (noun): a soft dairy food made by fermenting milk - My kids love those little containers of yoghurt with bits of fruit in them.


1. Do you like milk? Why?
2. What is dairy food?
3. Mention 10 examples of dairy food.
4. What is skimmed milk?
5. What is the difference between butter and margarine?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Name : SUNITA
    Class : twelve social One

    ANSWER :

    1. yes, because milk contains complete nutrients. Besides being full of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and most importantly, it contains calcium to support bone growth and density. In addition, milk can also provide medicine for bones, teeth, stress, relieve fatigue, lose weight, and monitor eye health.

    2. Dairy products are dairy products in the form of food and beverages, both cow's milk and buffalo milk. Based on the fat content contained in it, dairy products can be divided into several types, namely whole milk, low fat milk, low fat milk, and fat free or skim milk.

    3. Cheese, Yoghur, Butter, Ice Cream, Custard, Jam, Cereal, Biscuits, Candy, Milk Dodol

    4. Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. Skim milk is also a part of milk whose cream is taken partially or completely at the fat content in skim milk more or less.

    5.Butter comes from milk cream or animal fat. Butter or butter is a natural product that does not contain trans-fatty acids (trans fatty acids). ... Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a yellowish color than butter

  3. Name:Jumriani
    Class:XII PIS 1

    1). yes I like to drink milk because it's delicious and sweet.

    2). butter

    3).chese,yogurt,butter,ice cream,custard,jam,cereals,biscuits,candy,dodol milk

    4). Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk

    5). Butter comes from cream milk or animal fat. ... In contrast to butter made from animal fat. Margarine based on vegetable oils or fats. Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a more yellow color than butter.

  4. 1. Ya. karna susu selain enak di.
    Susu juga sangat baik untuk.
    perkembanga kita,kesehatan,dan
    pertumbuhan kita.
    2. Produk susu merupakan produk
    peternakan susu berupa makanan.
    dan minuman, baik susu sapi.
    maupun susu kerbau.
    Berdasarkan kandungan lemak.
    yang terdapat di dalamnya,
    produk susu dapat dibedakan.
    menjadi beberapa tipe yaitu susu
    murni, susu kurang lemak, susu.
    rendah lemak, dan susu bebas
    lemak atau susu skim
    3. -keju
    -susu bubuk
    4. Susu skim adalah susu sapi.
    Seperti semua susu Jika susu sapi.
    di biarkan maka akan terpisah.
    menjadi minuman rendah lemak.
    dan lapisan atas krim kental dan
    tinggi lemak.
    5. Margaring adalah produk buatan.
    dari minyak nabati. Atau minyak.
    hewan. Sedangkan mentegah.
    makanan produk susu yang di
    lapisi dengan carah mengaduk
    krim yang di dapat dari susu

    KELAS: X11 PIS 1

  5. 1. yes I like milk because milk contains lots of vitamins and calcium which are good for our bodies and bone growth
    2.Dairy foods are fermented milk-based foods
    3.10 dairy foods are
    1. Cheese
    2. Yogurt
    3. Butter
    4. Ice cream
    5. Custard
    6. Jam
    7. Cereals
    8. Biscuits
    9. Candy
    10. Milk dodol
    4.Skimmed milk is milk that's had the cream taken out of it - Skimmed milk has less fat than full cream milk.
    5.-Butter is made from milk or cream which is separated from the fat
    -While margarine is a product that is not made from milk but from vegetables

    Name habib
    XII PIS1
    NIS 18.4273

  6. "ANSWER"

    1. Yes, I like it because milk is sweet, delicious, and nutritious and can also strengthen bones and teeth

    2. Cow food, which is a by-product of agricultural crops that can be used as cattle feed, is rice straw, peanut straw, soybeans, young corn shoots, etc.

    3. Namely: 1. Cheese
    2. Ice cream
    3. Yogurt
    4. Butter
    6. Barley
    7. Cereals
    9.Dol milk
    10. Candy

    4. Skim milk (English: Skim milk) is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat contained in milk.


    Butter is made from animal fat which contains high cholesterol and saturated fat, so it can be bad for health if consumed in excess.


    Margarine is made from plant fat. Less saturated fat content than butter.

  7. Nama: Supriadi
    Kelas: Xll Pis 1
    Nis: 18.4299


    1) I like it because milk can nourish the body

    2). Cheese

    3). * Cheese
    * yogurt
    * butter
    *ice cream
    * custard
    * biscuits
    * dodol milk

    4). Skim milk is milk without rotten fat, the milk is made by removing most of the water and fat contained in milk

    5). * Margarine
    Margarine is made from plant fat and contains less saturated fat than butter

    Butter is made from fat
    l animals that contain high cholesterol and saturated fat, so they can be bad for health if consumed in excess.

  8. Nama:yuniar
    Class:Xll pis 1

    1. yes, because milk contains complete nutrients. Besides being full of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and most importantly, it contains calcium to support bone growth and density. In addition, milk can also provide medicine for bones, teeth, stress, relieve fatigue, lose weight, and monitor eye health.

    2. Dairy products are dairy products in the form of food and beverages, both cow's milk and buffalo milk. Based on the fat content contained in it, dairy products can be divided into several types, namely whole milk, low fat milk, low fat milk, and fat free or skim milk.

    3. Cheese, Yoghur, Butter, Ice Cream, Custard, Jam, Cereal, Biscuits, Candy, Milk Dodol

    4. Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. Skim milk is also a part of milk whose cream is taken partially or completely at the fat content in skim milk more or less.

    5.Butter comes from milk cream or animal fat. Butter or butter is a natural product that does not contain trans-fatty acids (trans fatty acids). ... Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a yellowish color than butter

  9. Nama:fitriani
    Klass:XII pis 1
    1.yes, because milk contains complete nutrients. Besides being full of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and most importantly, it contains
    calcium to support bone growth and density. In addition, milk can also provide medicine for bones, teeth, stress, relieve fatigue, lose weight, and monitor eye health.
    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of food.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on fat content.
    that is in it,
    dairy products can be differentiated.
    into several types, namely milk
    pure, lean milk, milk.
    low fat, and dairy free
    fat or skim milk
    2. Ice cream
    3. Yogurt
    4. Butter
    6. Barley
    7. Cereals
    9.Dol milk
    10. Candy

    4. skimmed milk (also US "skim milk") (noun): milk that's had the cream taken out of it - Skimmed milk has less fat than full cream milk.
    5. butter (noun): a solid, pale yellow dairy food made by churning cream - Oh no! We've run out of butter!

    margarine (noun): a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils or animal fats - You don't like margarine more than butter, do you?

  10. Nama : Rahmawati
    Kelas : XII IPS 1
    Nis : 18.4292

    1. Yes, because consuming milk can prevent dehydration in the body and can smooth the digestive tract.

    2. Ice cream, yogurt, and cheese.

    3. Ice cream, milk candy, milk lunkhead, yogurt, Milk pie, cheese, biscuits, cereals, pudding, custard.

    4. Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk porridge is made by removing most of the water from the fat found in milk.

    5. - Butter is made from animal fat which contains high cholesterol and saturated fat, so it can be bad for health if consumed in excess.

    - Margarine is made from plant fat. Less saturated fat content than butter.

  11. Nama:Najwa aulia syam
    Kelas:XII IPS 1

    *Butter* is made from Kim's milk or ice
    Meanwhile, *margarine* is a product that is not made from milk but from vegetables. Initially in the 1800s, margarine as a substitute for butter was made from animal fats but now margarine is made from ingredients such as vegetable oil, water, salt, and emulsifier.

    1. Cheese
    2. Yogurt
    3. butter
    4, ice cream
    6. jam
    7. cereals
    8. biscuits
    10. Milk dodol

    Skim milk is also known as fat-free or low-fat and calorie milk. Even though the fat content is reduced, skimmed milk still has the same nutritional content as regular whole milk, both from the content of calcium, vitamin D and protein.

    Of course Why: because it can strengthen the body's stamina

    Dairy foods there are several types of cakes, cereals, ice cream

  12. 1. Ya. karna susu selain enak di.
    Susu juga sangat baik untuk.
    perkembanga kita,kesehatan,dan
    pertumbuhan kita.
    2. Produk susu merupakan produk
    peternakan susu berupa makanan.
    dan minuman, baik susu sapi.
    maupun susu kerbau.
    Berdasarkan kandungan lemak.
    yang terdapat di dalamnya,
    produk susu dapat dibedakan.
    menjadi beberapa tipe yaitu susu
    murni, susu kurang lemak, susu.
    rendah lemak, dan susu bebas
    lemak atau susu skim
    3. -keju
    -susu bubuk
    4. Susu skim adalah susu sapi.
    Seperti semua susu Jika susu sapi.
    di biarkan maka akan terpisah.
    menjadi minuman rendah lemak.
    dan lapisan atas krim kental dan
    tinggi lemak.
    5. Margaring adalah produk buatan.
    dari minyak nabati. Atau minyak.
    hewan. Sedangkan mentegah.
    makanan produk susu yang di
    lapisi dengan carah mengaduk
    krim yang di dapat dari susu

    1. Yes. because milk is delicious besides.
    Milk is also very good for.
    our development, health, and
    our growth.
    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of food.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on fat content.
    contained in it,
    dairy products can be differentiated.
    into several types of milk
    pure, lean milk, milk.
    low fat, and dairy free
    fat or skim milk
    -ice cream
    -milk powder
    4. Skim milk is cow's milk.
    Like all milk If cow's milk.
    left it will separate.
    into a low-fat drink.
    and a top layer of heavy cream and
    high in fat.
    5. Margaring is an artificial product.
    of vegetable oil. Or oil.
    animal. Meanwhile, medium.
    food dairy products are on
    coat with a stirring way
    cream that can be made of milk

    KELAS: X11 PIS 1

  13. Nama: Rahmatullah
    Kelas: XII IPS 1

    1. Yes. because milk is delicious besides.
    Milk is also very good for.
    our development, health, and
    our growth.
    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of food.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on fat content.
    contained in it,
    dairy products can be differentiated.
    into several types of milk
    pure, lean milk, milk.
    low fat, and dairy free
    fat or skim milk
    -ice cream
    -milk powder
    4. Skim milk is cow's milk.
    Like all milk If cow's milk.
    left it will separate.
    into a low-fat drink.
    and a top layer of heavy cream and
    high in fat.
    5. Margaring is an artificial product.
    of vegetable oil. Or oil.
    animal. Meanwhile, medium.
    food dairy products are on
    coat with a stirring way
    cream that can be made of milk

  14. Name:khairul amri
    Class:XII pis 1
    1.yes,because milk contains a lot af nutriens and calcium which is good for bone growth and nutrition and can also maintain heart health
    2.one of the dairy foods is butter
    3.milk,cream,butter,cheses,yogurt,ice cream, cereal, biscuits, milk lunkhead and jam
    4.skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. The fat content in skim milk is approxymatelly 1%
    5.Butter comes from cream milk or animal fat in contrast to butter made from animal fat. Margarine based on vegetable oils or fats.margarine has a danser or stiffer texture is table at room temperature(does not melt easily)and has a yellowish color than butter.

  15. 1. Yes. because milk is delicious besides drink Milk is also very good for.our development, health, and
    our growth.

    2. Dairy products are dairy products in the form of food and beverages, both cow's milk and buffalo milk. Based on the fat content contained in it, dairy products can be divided into several types, namely whole milk, reduced fat milk, low fat milk, and free-fat milk. ) or skim milk.

    3. •Cheese
    •Ice Cream
    •Milk Dodol

    4. Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. Skim milk is also a part of milk whose cream is taken partially or completely at the fat content in skim milk more or less

    5. Butter comes from milk cream or animal fat. Butter or butter is a natural product that does not contain trans-fatty acids (trans fatty acids). ... Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a yellowish color than butter

  16. 1. Yes. because milk is delicious besides.
    Milk is also very good for.
    our development, health, and
    our growth.
    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of food.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on fat content.
    contained in it,
    dairy products can be differentiated.
    into several types of milk
    pure, lean milk, milk.
    low fat, and dairy free
    fat or skim milk
    -ice cream
    -milk powder
    4. Skim milk is cow's milk.
    Like all milk If cow's milk.
    left it will separate.
    into a low-fat drink.
    and a top layer of heavy cream and
    high in fat.
    5. Margaring is an artificial product.
    of vegetable oil. Or oil.
    animal. Meanwhile, medium.
    food dairy products are on
    coat with a stirring way
    cream that can be made of milk

  17. 1. Yes. because milk is delicious besides.
    Milk is also very good for.
    our development, health, and
    our growth.
    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of food.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on fat content.
    contained in it,
    dairy products can be differentiated.
    into several types of milk
    pure, lean milk, milk.
    low fat, and dairy free
    fat or skim milk
    -ice cream
    -milk powder
    4. Skim milk is cow's milk.
    Like all milk If cow's milk.
    left it will separate.
    into a low-fat drink.
    and a top layer of heavy cream and
    high in fat.
    5. Margaring is an artificial product.
    of vegetable oil. Or oil.
    animal. Meanwhile, medium.
    food dairy products are on
    coat with a stirring way
    cream that can be made of milk

    Nama:muhammad rizal
    Kelas :X11 pis 1

  18. 1. potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green pepperumbi-umbi

    2.Root vegetables are vegetables that form an alarm that enlarges on a plant Due to food accumulation, the enlarged root is also commonly called potatoes, tubers, turnips, beets, carrots, onions, garlic, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers

    3.The bulb is an artificial source of light that is produced by channeling electric current through the filament which then heats up and produces light

    4.spinach, cabbage, peas, string beans, green peppers

    5.Salad is a type of food consisting of a mixture of vegetables and food ingredients ready to eat. Like a cucumberKoordinasi (Coordination)
    8.Keseimbangan (Balance)
    9.Ketepatan (Accuracy)
    10.Reaksi (Reaction)

    fungsi dan tujuan utama latihan kebugaran jasmani adalah:
    Meningkatkan daya tahan tubuhMeningkatkan kelentukan persendianMeningkatkan kekuatan otot dan kecepatanMeningkatkan sistem sirkulasi darah, sistem saraf, dan fungsi jantung.Mempertahankan dan menyelaraskan kondisi tubuh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
    Adapun Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI) yang digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kebugaran jasmani seseorang, yaitu:
    es Denyut Nadi Maksimal (DNM)
    –Tes Harvard Step –TestTes lari cepat 60 meterTes gantung siku tekuk (pull up)Tes baring duduk (sit up)
    Sehingga kesimpulan ringkas yang bisa kita peroleh dari penjelasan diatas bahwa semakin baik gaya hidup seseorang maka semakin baik pula tingkat kebugaran jasmaninya. Dimana kebugaran jasmani  menunjang interaksi di lingkungan sekitar
    nama : Muh nur Febriady
    Kls : XII IPS 1

  19. Name : Nur Faizal Sriwandi
    Class : X11 pis 1


    1.) yes I like it, because
    very low milk
    2.) * Fried milk,
    1 egg
    250ml of liquid white milk
    3 tablespoons granulated sugar
    50 gr flour
    * dorayaki
    20 grams of powdered milk
    50 ml of liquid milk
    30 grams of sugar
    110 grams of flour
    1/2 teaspoon baking
    1 teaspoon honey
    3.) Milk
    liquid, butter, kasien, ke u, powdered milk, evaporated milk, fermented milk, samin oil, whey products
    4.) Cream milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat contained in the milk. Skim milk is the part of the milk whose cream is taken partially or completely. The fat content in skim milk is approximately 1%
    5.) Butter comes from milk cream or animal fat. ... In contrast to butter made from animal fat. Margarine based on vegetable oils or fats. Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a yellowish color than butter.

  20. Nama:Nanda
    Kls:Xll PIS 1

    1. Yes, I like it because milk is sweet, delicious, and nutritious and can also strengthen bones and teeth

    2. Cow food, which is a by-product of agricultural crops that can be used as cattle feed, is rice straw, peanut straw, soybeans, young corn shoots, etc.

    3. Namely: 1. Cheese
    2. Ice cream
    3. Yogurt
    4. Butter
    6. Barley
    7. Cereals
    9.Dol milk
    10. Candy

    4. Skim milk (English: Skim milk) is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat contained in milk.

    Butter is made from animal fat which contains high cholesterol and saturated fat, so it can be bad for health if consumed in excess.

    Margarine is made from plant fat. Less saturated fat content than butter.

  21. ANSWER:

    1). yes I like to drink milk because it's delicious and sweet.

    2). butter

    3).chese,yogurt,butter,ice cream,custard,jam,cereals,biscuits,candy,dodol milk

    4). Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk

    5). Butter comes from cream milk or animal fat. ... In contrast to butter made from animal fat. Margarine based on vegetable oils or fats. Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a more yellow color than butter.

    Kelas:Xll Pis 1

  22. Name:Nur annisa
    Class : XII IPS 1

    1.Our first food is the water, the milk which planet can’t feed except mother.”

    2.Dairy products are dairy products in the form of food and beverages, both cow's milk and buffalo milk. Because vitamins A and D that dissolve in fat are also lost in the fat removal process, in low-fat milk, low-fat milk, and skim milk, these two vitamins are generally added.

    3.cheese, yougur, butter, ice cream, pudding, cereal, biscuits, candy, dodol milk, chocolate

    4.Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. [1] Skim milk is a part of milk that is partially or completely taken out of cream. [1] The fat content in skim milk is approximately 1%. [1] Skim milk contains all the ingredients that milk generally has except for fat and fat-soluble vitamins. [1]

    5.Butter is made from milk or cream. ... While margarine is a product that is not made from milk but from vegetables. Initially in the 1800s, margarine as a substitute for butter was made from animal fats but now margarine is made from ingredients such as vegetable oil, water, salt, and emulsifier.

  23. Name: Nur ika amelia
    Class : XII ips 1

    1. yes, because milk contains complete nutrients. Besides being full of protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and most importantly, it contains calcium to support bone growth and density. In addition, milk can also provide medicine for bones, teeth, stress, relieve fatigue, lose weight, and monitor eye health.

    2. Dairy products are dairy products in the form of food and beverages, both cow's milk and buffalo milk. Based on the fat content contained in it, dairy products can be divided into several types, namely whole milk, low fat milk, low fat milk, and fat free or skim milk.

    3. Cheese, Yoghur, Butter, Ice Cream, Custard, Jam, Cereal, Biscuits, Candy, Milk Dodol

    4. Skim milk is nonfat milk whose milk powder is made by removing most of the water and fat found in milk. Skim milk is also a part of milk whose cream is taken partially or completely at the fat content in skim milk more or less.

    5.Butter comes from milk cream or animal fat. Butter or butter is a natural product that does not contain trans-fatty acids (trans fatty acids). ... Margarine has a denser or stiffer texture, is stable at room temperature (does not melt easily), and has a yellowish color than butter

  24. Name:Nur annisa
    Class:XII ips 1

    1. yes, because milk contains complete nutrition. Besides
    rich in protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, and most importantly contains calcium to support growth and bone density. In addition, milk can also provide medicine for bones, teeth, stress, relieve fatigue, lose weight, and monitor eye health.

    2. Dairy products are products
    dairy farming in the form of animal feed.
    and drinks, both cow's milk.
    or buffalo milk.
    Based on the fat content. The meaning
    dairy products can be distinguished.
    into several types, namely milk
    pure, nonfat milk, milk.
    low fat, and free
    fat or skimmed milk from milk

    3.Cheese , Ice cream, Butter ,Custard, Barley, Cereals ,Biscuit, Liquid milk, Candy

    4. Skim milk (also our "skimmed milk") (noun): the milk is pre-creamed - Skim milk has less fat than full cream milk.
    5. butter (noun): solid food, pale yellow milk made with whipped cream - Oh no! We're out of butter!

    margarine (noun): a butter-like substance made from vegetable oils or animal fats - You don't like margarine more than butter, do you?


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