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  1. the video is good and I like the song but the story line is a bit confusing but apart from that the video is interesting

    I am Maulana dien islamia
    From XI IPA 1

  2. Name : Arya Saputra
    Nis : 18-4234
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    Very good video clips with funny players and cool edits, backsoud that is also interesting, this video is very entertaining for yourself who are upset.

  3. I didn't understand what it meant when the whole group got together and I thought maybe it needed work. And also the video scene featuring a cartoon with the words "help me help you" should be replaced because it does not fit into the clip.

    Rahardi Dwijaya
    XI PIA 1

  4. Sri Reski Fitriah Yusna
    XI Science Two

    Make the past a lesson, not regret. The Video Clip model can convey the message you want to convey in the song Help Me Help You. The video is very good and so expressive.

  5. Nice video! but I can't get the point of the video. and also footage on the video should using the same format.

    Muh Aditya Inzhagi
    XI PIA 1

  6. Name is : WINDI KASARI
    Class: Science one

    Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan



    Videonya keren editornya juga keren dan para pemainnya yang kreatif dalam akting, menurut saya ini di contoh untuk kita yang akan menginjak kelas tiga nanti. Pembuat konten
    Disini yang jadi pemeran utama adalah ikhwan dan kak ayhu astuti abdullah tayang ada steffi angelina tonda sebagai "halo teman saya semoga kamu terima video dan terima kasih sudah menonton.


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏

  7. Bismillah
    Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    The film is very perfect in my opinion romantic, sosweet, the players are very active in fighting each of their roles, and very creative. the song lyrics in this film are very suitable. the place and atmosphere is very romantic anyway this group is very perfect.

  8. Name is : WINDI KASARI
    Class: Science one

    Hasil Telusur
    Hasil Terjemahan



    Videonya keren editornya juga keren dan para pemainnya yang kreatif dalam akting, menurut saya ini di contoh untuk kita yang akan menginjak kelas tiga nanti. Pembuat konten
    Disini yang jadi pemeran utama adalah ikhwan dan kak ayhu astuti abdullah tayang ada steffi angelina tonda sebagai "halo teman saya semoga kamu terima video dan terima kasih sudah menonton.


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏


    this video I really like is good, good and interesting to watch and the music is quite good too and very satisfying this video I'm not in vain watching this fidio

  10. I really do not understand about the video clips, especially those who are standing and gathering.

    Xl ipa 1

  11. I really do not understand about the video clips, especially those who are standing and gathering.

    Xl ipa 1

  12. Name: WINDI KASARI
    Clas: Science one


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏

  13. Name: WINDI KASARI
    Clas: Science one


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏

  14. Name: WINDI KASARI
    Clas: Science one


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏

  15. Name: WINDI KASARI
    Clas: Science one


    The video is cool, the editor is also cool and the players are creative in acting, in my opinion this is an example for us who will step on the third grade later. Content maker
    Here the main characters are brothers and sisters, ayhu astuti abdullah, there is steffi angelina tonda as "hello, my friend, hope you receive the video and thank you for watching. and I gave a "VERY GOOD "value for you for making cool content

    Sekiann wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🙏

  16. Name : Marwa
    Nis : 18.4173
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This song represents girlfriends who are often burdened when their girlfriends are unconscious. Yang Logan wants to be with the girl but he doesn't want to ask because he likes it.

  17. I think this video is good, but I don't understand the storyline of this video clip.

    My name is Irdawati
    Class XI Science 1

  18. What I see from this video is a teenager who's confused about what to wear. He has said several times that the first shirt you wear is still the best result. She is hungry and wants to eat But someone is ruining her mood. She asks if these jeans make me look fat? then he answered well I know you want an answer but I'm smart and it's a trap and in fact he still has his favorite jacket to return. The actors can play their roles well.

    Name:Putri inayah
    Class:XI.PIA 1

  19. This video tells a girl who is very concerned about her appearance while she forgets that someone will be waiting. this video is good and entertains the audience

    My name is putri rahmadani hasmar
    Class XI science 1

  20. Assalamu alaikum
    Name : nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    a very good video for us to contph if later we are ordered to make this video like what our older sister made, in this video it means that your past lessons are not regrets, I wish you success in the future, thank you


  21. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss :18.4182
    Class : Xi ipa 2

    The meaning is that the woman is very fickle and difficult to understand so that the man is fed up with his attitude

  22. Name :Hilmy Hafidah
    Class :XI IPA

    Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

    The video clip is good, the main character seems to really enjoy the role and also looks really appreciate the role but some other actors from what I see are still stiff, the video is also pretty good. I think this is cool for beginners.

    Class : XI IPA 2

    Interesting story, very good video. The editing method is also cool. This video can be a material for my generation who will move up to third grade and become an example for the task of making videos like this

  24. Name : Aspar Amin
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This video is very good because the player isn't rigid to move but it's better if the video is extended a little because it's too short

  25. Name : Selviana
    Class : XI PIA 1

    This content tells the adolescent romance in which women want to always be understood by men so that a discourse arises that women are always right.

  26. Name:Samsahrana
    Class:XI Ipa 1

    From Video.Only Tells the Story From His Song A boyfriend who is burdened when a person is not conscious. But this man wants to be with her, but this man he does not want to tell or say because he loves her.

  27. My name is Julia Febrianti
    From class XI IPA 1

    the video is very good, they play the role well and are not rigid. it's just that I don't know what that means. and I like the song very interesting!

  28. Name:Fani Novianti N
    Class: Xl IPA 1

    Always miss someone, and sometimes when they meet, there is always a fight.thank you🙏

    Class: XI PIA 2

    Waiting for someone is annoying. But for the sake of loved ones, sometimes we are willing to wait for his arrival for hours. Although the man looked frustrated and agitated, he was still waiting for the person he was waiting for.
    He waited for a long time until he directed and left. Not yet clear whether the man finally finally met his girlfriend or not.

  30. Assalamualaikum
    Nama :Wahdania
    Kelas:Xi IPA 3

    This video is very good because the player isn't rigid to move but it's better if the video is extended a little because it's too short.Good luck

    Class: XI PIA 2

    Waiting for someone is annoying. But for the sake of loved ones, sometimes we are willing to wait for his arrival for hours. Although the man looked frustrated and agitated, he was still waiting for the person he was waiting for.

  32. This video is a must to watch, starting from the music. It's really good to hear. Hurry up and watch it

    My name is:Muhammad indra
    Class:XI PIA 4

  33. Assalamualaikum
    Kelas:XI IPA3

    This video is too short If you extend it there may be more lessons you can get from the video

  34. This must-watch video for teenagers today because it contains an element of seriousness towards his best friends and the actors of this video player are very funny and interesting

    Class : XI.IPA.4

  35. Jalan cerita video ini saya tidak mengerti

    Nama. Putra ramadRam
    Kelas.XI PIA2

  36. the video is good and I like the song but the story line is a bit confusing but apart from that the video is interesting

    Name: Muhammad arfah
    Class; XI IPA 4

  37. This must-watch video for teenagers today because it contains an element of seriousness towards his best friends and the actors of this video player are very funny and interesting

    Class : XI.IPA.4

  38. Name: Febryanti Rahmasari
    Class: XI ipa 3

    A good video I like the song and the actors are very creative in playing their respective roles and the edits are also very cool, this video is suitable for us teens


    In my opinion, this video is actually rather pretty good because the music that I like, it's just that I am confused by the plot, I also do not understand what they are talking about. from taking the video is pretty good it's just that the video is confusing to me. all I can understand is the issue of clothing that they are concerned about the rest I do not understand.

  40. The story in this video is very interesting to watch, the story is about a man who is waiting for his lover, he is willing to wait for hours for the people he loves. We can learn in this video that waiting is not fun and is very boring. The video is cool and very good.

    Name: Nur Aisyah
    Class: XI IPA 2
    Nis: 18.4181

  41. Name:Alfrin Nanda Winardy
    Class:XI PIA 4
    Ok Good, First I See This Edits Well Very Good, But Here What I Really Say Is I Don't Know The Way Of The Story I Suggest That The Singing Volume Is Reduced And The Volume Of Speaking Of The Characters Are Clarified So Many

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Name: Febryanti Rahmasari
    Class: XI Ipa 3

    A good video I like the song and the actors are very creative in playing their respective roles and the edits are also very cool, this video is suitable for us teens.

  44. Name:Rahmianti said
    Class:XI PIA 4

    the video is cool, I like it, but the story is a pair of lovers quarreling because of what? The ending is good, there is a dusk, the editor is also very smart to edit. This is for lovers who are annoyed, don't take long, heah, hehe.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Name: Rusdi
    Class: XI PIA 3

    I really do not understand about the video clips, especially those who are standing and gathering.


    this video is very nice and funny because the video tells about the suffering of men when dating with women

  48. Name: Nur Ekasari
    Class: 11 IPA 1

    The video clip that tells the meaning of the song "help me help you" is a woman who if invited by her boyfriend to travel she always makes her boyfriend wait very long just because he does not know what to wear. Fighting with his girlfriend just because of a costume problem. Even though his boyfriend has said that any shirt will look beautiful and suitable if he is wearing it. But the woman did not believe and did not listen. Because the man always feels unconcerned he finally goes and chooses to be alone. Girlfriend feels lonely and tries to contact her boyfriend. They meet and talk with each other so they can understand each other.

    A cool video clip, I really like the creative idea that displays the conversation screen, as well as the photo and the name of the cast at the end of the video. It's just that there are some players whose acting isn't serious in the video. But I really like the way of acting from Nur Ikhwan


  49. Name: PUTRI ARISKY
    Class: XI IPA 3

    This video is great with funny players and cool edits, backsoud is also interesting, this video is very entertaining for those of you who are upset. And this film also in my opinion is perfectly romantic, sosweet, the players are very active in fighting for their respective roles, and very creative.

  50. Name:Irmawati

    Class :XI ipa 3
    The video are very good and funy because the video and the actor are creative and motivated and the edits is also very cool


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