Jam Tangan Wanita dengan Hiasan Kristal

Berat: 62g
Dimensi: 3.7 * 0.9 * 1.8cm
Bahan: Logam
Harga Rp. 50.000
Kunjungi Toko: https://toko.social/shop/amanahsolihin

Kunjungi Toko: https://toko.social/shop/amanahsolihin


  1. assalamualaikum
    nama:muhammad safwan
    kelas:xi pia 2
    jam tangan ini sangat bagus di gunakan pada kaum hawah sangat cocok dan bermodel mewah dan harganya murah tapi barangnya bukan barang murahan jadi buat kaum hawah yang ingin jam tangan ini buruan beli karna,selain untuk perhiasan jam juga mengingatkan kita untul beribadah setiap waktu.


    CLASS : XI IPA 2

    This clock is very good because the color is like gold and I see that the price is quite cheap and I'm sure it can last a long time if carefully guarded

  3. A nice and beautiful watch. Very suitable for girls, the clock looks luxurious but the price is right in the pocket.

    My name is Karmila
    Clas XI PIA 4

    Class : XI IPA 2

    very nice and beautiful watch. The small crystals that adorn the edges of these watches add even more attraction to the devotees. With its beautiful color it is very suitable for the wrist of the woman wearing it

  5. This watch is very beautiful especially the silver one, it will definitely look very elegant if worn by women and the price is also very affordable. the size of this clock is also just right, not too wide and not too small especially the crystal decoration on the edge makes this watch look very luxurious👍

    I am Maulana dien islamia
    From XI IPA 1

  6. Nama:Mutmainna
    Kelas: XI ipa 4
    in my opinion this watch is very attractive because of the beautiful model and the friendly price so this is very recommended
    Imagehttps://translate.google.co.id › ...

  7. My name : WINDI KASARI
    Class: XI pia one

    in my opinion this watch is very beautiful and unique, why? because it is surrounded by shiny crystals and not only that, this hour there are many colors, namely, gold, orange, and silver, it really is really cool, the price is also cheap, but it is not cheap but it is also not noisy if released

  8. My name : WINDI KASARI
    Class: XI pia one

    in my opinion this watch is very beautiful and unique, why? because it is surrounded by shiny crystals and not only that, this hour there are many colors, namely, gold, orange, and silver, it really is really cool, the price is also cheap, but it is not cheap but it is also not noisy if released

  9. My Name Is : MUHAMMAD ARFAH
    Class : XI IPA 4

    the watch is very good for women and the price is also affordable and the shape is also a scene for the woman who wears it. the watch is very beautiful
    let's hurry and buy before the stock runs out.

    Bhs Indonesia

    arloji ini sangat baik untuk wanita dan harganya juga terjangkau dan bentuknya juga menjadi pemandangan bagi wanita yang memakainya. arlojinya sangat indah
    ayo cepat dan beli sebelum stok habis.

  10. Name : Marwa
    Nis : 18.4173
    Class : XI IPA 2

    In this modern era, maybe a watch is a matter of course for some people. However, this one small item is sometimes a vital item for its users. Both in all circles, be it children, teens, even parents also like to wear watches. The reason people use watches is also diverse, there are those who like the model, its functions, and so on. Besides, sometimes we are always busy with busy schedules, and sometimes we forget about time. Because of that the watch really functions to remind us of time. Whether it's time to wake up, eat, work, pray, and others. This clock has 3 color variants, namely gold, silver and silver gold.

  11. My name is Irdawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    I think this watch is very nice and beautiful, because the color is so beautiful and surrounded by crystals. And certainly it will look very beautiful if used by women, besides Beautiful the price of this watch is very affordable. This watch is very cool👍

  12. It's so beautiful, the image it brings out of this clock is so expensive with the beautiful colors and the first decorations around it makes anyone interested

    Rahardi Dwijaya
    XI PIA 1


  13. Nama : Nur Fadillah
    Niss : 18.4182
    Class : Xl Ipa 2

    This watch is very good and cheap for women and luxurious to wear as a decoration on the hands so whoever wears it will definitely look special

  14. Nama:Awaludd
    Kelas:XI pia 1
    in my opinion the watch above is very good, because the material is all metal, there is no mixture whatsoever other than metal, and the model is confirmed today, the color is varied, and the price is quite cheap compared to my watch whose language is mixed.

  15. My Name Is : MUHAMMAD ARFAH
    Class : XI IPA 4

    the watch is very good for women and the price is also affordable and the shape is also a scene for the woman who wears it. the watch is very beautiful
    let's hurry and buy before the stock runs out.

    Bhs Indonesia

    arloji ini sangat baik untuk wanita dan harganya juga terjangkau dan bentuknya juga menjadi pemandangan bagi wanita yang memakainya. arlojinya sangat indah
    ayo cepat dan beli sebelum stok habis.


  16. Name : Muttiara
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This watch is very good and has good quality, the shape and color are very beautiful and also very well suited for women today.Thank you

  17. Name: Ila fadila putri
    Class: XI PIA 2

    Hours like that are the dream of all women especially with low prices. And my suggestion to wear a watch is good for putting us in time. Especially with a comfortable watch using it

  18. Assalamualaikum
    Name: Nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    very cool, watches for women like this are very suitable to be used anywhere, at a cheap price but very beautiful, I love it and I also really like to use metal watches like this

    Sangat keren, jam tangan untuk wanita seperti ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan di mana saja, dengan harga murah tapi sangat indah, saya menyukainya dan saya juga sangat suka menggunakan jam tangan logam seperti ini


  19. Name : Muttiara
    Class : XI IPA 2

    This watch is very good and has good quality, the shape and color are very beautiful and also very well suited for women today.Thank you

  20. Assalamualaikum
    Name: Nur magfirah
    Class: XI IPA 1
    very cool, watches for women like this are very suitable to be used anywhere, at a cheap price but very beautiful, I love it and I also really like to use metal watches like this

    Sangat keren, jam tangan untuk wanita seperti ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan di mana saja, dengan harga murah tapi sangat indah, saya menyukainya dan saya juga sangat suka menggunakan jam tangan logam seperti ini

  21. Name:Nurmita
    Class :XI pia four
    what I see from this crystal decoration women's watch, the color and shape are very elegant for women and this clock has a different color and the price of this clock is fairly cheap for students. color, if students use watches to school these students can know the time besides through cellphone. That is my dri comment, that's all .....

    Class : XI SCIENCE 1

    This woman's watch is very nice and beautiful to be used by women with a very nice color, and the price is friendly with a charming design that looks luxurious because it is covered with crystal decoration.

  23. Name:Samsahrana
    Class:XI Ipa 1

    In Modern, Most Of Those Who Wear Watches. But These Watches Look Very Beautiful And Luxurious. Surely There Will Be Many Women Who Want To Interest With These Watches. But Also If If Used By A Woman These Watches Are Very Extraordinary And People's Views Even People Watch The Price. The Price Is Also Very Affordable And Certainly Guaranteed Inexpensive. The Size Of This Clock Is Very Mediocre Or Medium, Not Small And Not Large. What's More This Watch Is Made Of Crystal Decoration. The Most Important Of These Watches Extraordinary and luxurious.

  24. Bismillah
    Name: Hajrawati
    Class: XI IPA 1

    This watch is perfect in use by women of all shapes, colors, and unique characteristics - unique, especially added with a luxurious crystal that would be good. And from the problem the price is very cheap. very good for working women, birthday gifts, as well as school children and ladies and gentlemen, moreover this watch made of metal is definitely good. Ordering info we can visit through social figures or Shop / amanahsolihin in the message before it runs out.

  25. Assalamu'alaikum
    Name : Nur Ekasari
    Class : XI IPA 1

    truly a very beautiful watch. special watches for women with jewel ornaments around them that can add the impression of luxury and elegance to anyone who wears them. at an affordable price, this watch can be used as the right "fashion accessories" for people who want to be stylish but don't want to spend a lot of money. for teens I recommend using a silver watch because this color is very compatible with various types of skin color.

  26. Assalamu'alaikum
    Name : Nur Ekasari
    Class : XI IPA 1

    truly a very beautiful watch. special watches for women with jewel ornaments around them that can add the impression of luxury and elegance to anyone who wears them. at an affordable price, this watch can be used as the right "fashion accessories" for people who want to be stylish but don't want to spend a lot of money. for teens I recommend using a silver watch because this color is very compatible with various types of skin color.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Assalamualaikum wr.wb
    Name : Selviana
    Class : XI PIA 1

    Women'Women's watches with crystal decoration above are very nice and elegant with beautiful shapes and also very attractive when worn by women and the price cannot be said anymore, the prices of these women's watches are very cheap so don't forget to buy them.

  29. A beautiful and beautiful woman watch, 62g weight made of metal and the price is cheap. These watches have different kinds of colors but I like to see the gold color because it looks luxurious.

    Name:Putri inayah
    Class:XI.Pia 1

  30. Assalamu'alaikum
    Name : Indriani Safitri
    Class : XI Ipa 4

    A good watch and suitable for women, especially with an affordable price but the quality does not play well in terms of a cool appearance and is also equipped with crystal decoration to make the watch very beautiful in addition to the varied colors.

  31. The watch is beautiful and elegant to be worn by the woman who owns it
    crystal decoration at a fairly cheap price and very up to date with a modern style

    CLASS : XI IPA 1

  32. beautiful watch with a small diamond at the end of the clock circle. Suitable for traveling to anywhere and the price is affordable

    Namae:Dhela Artika Sary
    Cllas : XI IPA 1

  33. watches are so beautiful For women, the price is also pretty good.
    My Name is:Muhammad Indra
    Class:XI PIA 4

    XI IPA 1


    I think it's amazing, a beautiful watch is very beautiful especially when used by women and this watch is made from the best quality materials, I still recommend that all women can wear this watch because it looks luxurious for the hands of women

  35. Puti Rahmadani Hasmar
    XI Pia 1

    very beautiful and charming watches from modern and elegant models and colors. This watch also adds to the beauty of the people who use it

  36. This watch is very beautiful. Moreover, the product of the watch that is designed and the style is elegant and luxurious but still seems formal, allows you to wear it at various events or activities.
    For women watches are not just for timekeeping. Currently its function is as a fashion and lifestyle that must be used every day to support the appearance. It's affordable prices, good too.

    Xl IPA 1

  37. Name:Rizky fathimah Azzahrah

    my comments about the items above:
    women's watch with crystal decoration Weight: 62g,
    Dimensions: 3.7 * 0.9 * 1.8cm, and
    Material: Metal
    Price is only Rp. 50,000. This clock can be said to be very cheap with a very beautiful and up-to-date model, surrounded by a crystal bandage. This wristwatch is suitable for use at any time, whether on an official event or at leisure time.

  38. Name: Hilmy Hafidah
    Class : XI IPA 1

    Very cool watches are very suitable for use by women today besides the cheap price, the design of the watch is also very cool especially with the addition of a crystal coating and beautiful color choices to make this watch look attractive and suitable to be used anywhere

  39. Name : Dara divasyah warahma
    Class : IX IPA 2

    for some people usually do not like to wear a watch, but most people would love it because the clock is very useful if we wear it all the time. the watch in the picture above looks very luxurious even though the price is not too expensive. maybe according to some people the watch above at a slightly cheaper price is less worthit, but I say that the watch above is very worthit at a pretty cheap price. in addition to the design that spoil the eye, the watch above if viewed is very luxurious

  40. Name :Herawati
    Class : XI IPA 2

    in my opinion the watch has its own charm for consumers because it has a variety of colors ranging from gold to silver so the watch is stylish when consumers wear it


    This watch is very suitable to be used for women because it is pink and has a newfangled luxury and the price is definitely different from other watches. For women who are interested in these watches, they are hunted by their watches because in addition to jewelry this watch can also remind us to worship at all times


  42. Name:indri astuti
    Class:XI pia2
    In my opinion, this watch is very suitable, especially worn by women, and I see it is comfortable to wear. It is not like the usual clock that hurts if used which usually causes the hands to itch,
    The model is also good Simple and elegant, colors are also not too boring in my opinion this is a suitable clock

    That's all my comment about this watch


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